Hi, I am a 17 year old teenager with social anxiety, Im pretty sure half of my classmates hate me and the other half thinks its akward to talk to me.
I want to fix that, how? Meeting new people to overcome it and help me improve my mood and relations.
Do any of you know how to meet people in real life, I mean club activities or something like that, im on the southern hemisphere and on vacation right now so I realy want to squeaze the most of the time doing something meaningfull to me.
Does anyone know anything that could help, besides the sport related stuff?
At some point I thought of a chess club but then stopped at the realization there would be probably just old people and kids. Same with bookclubs.

I want to fall in love, I want friends to have fun with, I want to go to the movies, play games. Im so fucking desperate (but still not on drugs and I would like to keep it that way. but the way thing are going maybe im will.)

  1. Try asking in the subreddit of your location where to follow recent trends and meet ppl your age (could ask as a recent immigrant if you feel weird). The trends can be from online platforms, other informedia.

    Gather a checklist of things you want to try, and try one every week. Trying new trendy things also gives you excuse to invite friends out. (e.g. rock climbing, motor sport etc.)

    I’m not sure about your background, but places you can try meeting new people can be church, event volunteering (to practice social skills only), some local/neighbourhood meetups.

    Don’t worry about having no frds now. I meet much more long-term frds in university than in highschool. University students is more scattered around, so you aren’t restrained with the same group every year.

  2. I actually came on here for advice on how to help my 19 yo make friends. He has the same problem. I am social but it’s been a long time since I was a teen. I would say fake it til you make it. Try to exude self confidence and walk around with a smile and make eye contact and nod your head or say hey to people you encounter. No more than that unless you get positive reaction from them. Making friends is most natural in small increments of increased interaction. Nobody is friends with everyone so just concentrate on the people who respond favorably to you and don’t even worry about the rest. Remember that the way people act has way more to do with them than it does with you especially when they don’t even know you. Life can be ruthless so you have to kind of toughen up and not be so hurt by rejection. It’s a universal life experience.

  3. get a job. i have pretty bad social anxiety but then i got a job at this one restaurant. there was a bunch of ppl working at a time so I could get down the approach how to meet ppl in a chill way. the more ppl u meet, the more chill little convos u can have w them too and also u guys will be working together so youll team up on small little things too. like seriously working at a restaurant was the best thing for my anxiety

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