What’s a topic/interest you have, that you wish your partner would show more interest in?

  1. I love hiking very much. Take a tent and go to the forest, set up a small camp and sit by the fire listening to the crackling of burning firewood and enjoy the stars. Then walk through the forest, pick berries, swim in the stream, etc. I would like my girlfriend to be fond of hiking too.

  2. I really like going out to see any sort of live music but my wife hates it because it’s too loud and overwhelming for her. We have plenty of other things in common so it’s not *that* big of a deal and I go to a lot of shows with friends anyway, but it would be fun to share some of the experiences with her because it’s one of my favorite things to do.

  3. My girlfriend was already into video games and it took a few years but i got her into D&D now so ill call that a win

  4. Formula 1

    It’s like… how can you not enjoy loud cars driving in circles for 2 hrs of racing and 2 hrs of quali

  5. I currently have a GF who has zero interest in following/discussing politics, watching/playing sports, or in playing Pokemon.

  6. Tabletop gaming overall, and specifically Warhammer 40k.

    She is extremely crafty, but just doesn’t enjoy model hobbying, and the game has too many rules for her ADHD to really focus on. I’m a 40k/hobby nut, and will sit until my back aches and eyes are sore painting every Guardsman to competition spec.

    Our mutual friend is huge into 40k as well and we play together, but my wife usually just sits in the room and chats with us while we roll some dice. I haven’t given up yet though, it’s just a matter of finding the gateway.

  7. So…I know this is for current partners but my ex did some really fucked up shit.

    I’m heavily into Anime/Gaming and I also like to drink to have fun. Before the pandemic, we use to watch anime together and play games together. She slowly started to stop doing all this stuff with me while they relationship kept going. She would start a game (Elden Ring Online for example) and sit on the main menu until my Xbox turned off. Before we broke up, she really didn’t do stuff like that with me anymore. She would tell me “not right now” or “I don’t feel like it” or with the drinking she would always say “It’s boring to drink at home”

    When she moved away (for a job) and made new friends. She magically found an interest into gaming, anime and even more stuff (Like MTG) right before she broke up with me. I addressed my feelings about it too her…just for her to tell me “New place, New me”

  8. Exercising and video games would be good ones.

    She doesn’t necessarily need to exercise from a health standpoint, but it would help her energy levels I think. Video games would be a fun hobby to share and it’s probably better long-term than watching TV.

  9. Most of the shows and movies I watch. I enjoy what she watches too so it’s not like I have a problem watching shared interests, but she can’t get into most fantasy/hard fiction so there’s a lot of critically acclaimed things she just can’t pay attention to, and without paying close attention, you lose the quality of the writing and have no idea what’s going on

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