Men of reddit, have you ever rejected a girl that fallen deeply in love with you but didn’t reciprocated? How common it is?

  1. I highly doubt that because i was never interesting, but if that’s the case i was never aware of it

  2. I have, I’m not that good looking either I would say 6/10 but It broke her, she started going out to clubs every weekend getting wasted and drunk calling me every weekend, if I ever wanted a hook up she would always say yes.

  3. Yeah.

    Long story short, she was creepy as fuck. Actually no, “creepy” doesn’t do it justice. She was serial killer levels of fucking terrifying.

  4. No because I wouldn’t fall in love with someone that I never planned on reciprocating it back

  5. Never happened to me, no girl was ever interested in me or ever expressed their interest in me. Never had a chance to reject anybody.

    Don’t think it’s very common, maybe only the really hot dudes have it happen a couple of times so they start thinking it must happen a lot because it happens to them so often lol

  6. I had to a while back. There was this girl I’d been talking to just in a casual way and she had started following me around and all that. Long story short, she made it clear she wanted something with me and I would’ve went for it, but she lied about her age. Said she was a couple weeks from 17 while I was a couple weeks from 18, but come to find out she was fucking *14* so I ended all contact there lol.

  7. Yes. I’m not sure how common it is, but this was my experience and she became my stalker

    I was in highschool and this girl would always pop up wherever I was at. I never noticed her until our mutual friend formally introduced her to me. After that I started always seeing her and thought nothing of it. She borrowed my gym sweats once and I didn’t see it for a whole month. When she returned it, it reeked of stinky vagina, literally. Another time when I was probably 16 or 17, I went to a cousins party and, surprise, they were neighbors. She saw me outside and offered me a beer. Gave me the beer and ran off. I was getting ready to drink it when my cousin swatted the beer out of my hand. She said she saw her licking the mouth areas of the beer all over! I was so grossed out. Throughout highschool, I couldn’t avoid her. She always found me. Some girls I knew in highschool who also had crushes on me but more of an innocent kind, knew I felt uncomfortable and they decided to confront her in the bathroom. They said how crazy she was and how she professed her love about me in the bathroom. After I left highschool, it didn’t stop there. I was 19 at my friend’s wedding once and she came to my group’s table when the music started and people were dancing. She directly asked me for a dance. I refused it though and she left. Another time I was about 23 going to a friend’s house to pick up fishing gear. She was there for some reason! Then fast forward to when I was 26 I went to a supermarket and she was there!! I saw her following me at the corner of the aisles spying on me, but I was pretending I didn’t see her. She was probably waiting for the right moment to bump into me. I paid me stuff quickly and left.

    It’s been a long time since then and I haven’t seen her since. I’ve also moved to a new city for other reasons not related to being stalked. I’ve had other women tell me they liked me a lot during the most inconvenient times so I wasn’t able to reciprocate at the time as well because timing was off.

  8. Yeah, a couple of times. Wish i did it in a better way, as both women were really good ones, but i simply wasn’t on them.

  9. Yeah, but let me give you some advice if you’re in this situation. Don’t drag it out or play with her feelings. If you don’t feel the same way please make it clear.

    When I was younger I was afraid of hurting their feelings so I would agree to dates and always ended up stringing them along as I tried to let them down gently. It ended it tears and a heart breaks. Would have been better if I had just rejected them clearly from the start but I was a coward.

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