Former skinny legends, how much did it take to notice gain from working out?

  1. At 6′ tall I’ve found that 20lbs of bodyweight change in either direction is pretty noticeable.

    Also, r/Gainit will have some info for you

  2. Gaining weight from lifting weights and eating a lot is misery and difficult and I didn’t notice results until way fucking later. Like, you can gain around 1.5 pounds of muscle per month and fat will always be there no matter how careful you are. It can get very discouraging. I noticed a major change around 2 years after staring. Yeah, *2 fucking years.*

    For women, it’s even worse as they only gain around .5 pounds of muscle per month and I saw a lot of women give up their gain journey. Not just that, women won’t become beefy like men do unless they use steroids. Women will always be leaner in their gain journey.

  3. My room mate in the navy took him like 6 months really, he’s was doing crazy shot like leaving a shaker of xxx mass gainer on the toilet so when he takes a puss in the night he knows to down one. I seen him the other day, been like 10 years since we were in and even though he don’t really work out anymore he has a hold of he’s shape

  4. How skinny are we talking? I started from a thin / athletic build. Strong for my bodyweight from years of various team sports and combat sports but if I put on a t shirt I looked very skinny. It took about 3 months for friends and my girlfriend to start commenting, and 6 months before random girls started commenting on my physique. But I also went very hard in the gym, and ate a fuck ton of food. Gym results actually start very quickly If your nutrition, workouts and recovery are on point.

  5. If a skinny guy goes to the gym 6 days a week and does a bodybuilding program of 9-10 exercises of 3 sets of 8-12 reps while isolating muscle groups, concentrating on form, and eating decently, they’ll be noticeably larger in less than a month.

    1 month till someone who hasn’t seen them in a month says “wow have you been lifting?”

    2 months till someone who sees them every day says “wow you’ve been lifting”

    6 months till they can look in the mirror and say “wow I’ve been lifting”

  6. Am am short with low (~13% – 15%) body fat. I noticed slightly after about a month; slightly more the next, slightly more the next. It’s slow.

  7. Yo my friend was a lanky chad, he’s been working really hard to build muscle via training and diet but isn’t plussed by the results.

    I’ve commented on the changes and think he looks great, though I think he views himself through a very critical lens. He’s been going hard for three years now

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