When should you tip?

  1. In general any time you receive any kind of service from someone who works for tips, it is appropriate and best to tip.

  2. Whenever it doesn’t say “gratuity included” on the check.

    Oh and when the service doesn’t suck.

  3. When receiving a service, and in the US, it’s never a bad idea. If it’s someone who lives off of tips, then it’s essential.

  4. I guess it depends where you’re from. Some places have societal expectations for people to tip. But ultimately it’s up to you. I think if it’s someone who’s livelihood relies on tips, then it never hurts.

  5. As a rule I tip at dining, based on the level of service. I have left an upside down penny before for extreme crap service. I generally start at 20% and go up to 40%.

    For cash register tip jars… hell no… that is up to the employer to pay a liveable wage, not me!

  6. If you are ordering from a fast casual place or a place where you are not getting a server and you would not have tipped prior to tablets allowing any business owner to add in a tip line, then you still don’t tip. Don’t let those tablets guilt trip you into tipping just because you are afraid to hit “No tip”

  7. When the service is free.

    If I’m already paying a tab, there is no reason to give you more money.

  8. I was roughy tips stand for to assure proper service. I tip first if I want special treatment.

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