So there is this girl at my workplace,That came a few months ago.
Since the moment she arrived we had great a connection.
We had our inner jokes, personal conversations sometimes about really nothing and we teased each other from time to time.
Sometimes she checked up on to see how I am doing and the opposite.
Plus there was a thing that happened we had a lot of eye contacts during the day,I was looking at her then we made eye contact and smiled and vise versa from her side.
Then it became more intense and our talks became more flirtatious from both sides and there was a lot of touch(face,hands,thighs,legs) that actually started from her side.
Other then that there were a lot of messages including photos memes and audio
– but here something was different she took time to answer. But that was a problem she had with everyone even with her girl friends if answered at all.

At the office people started to tease us her girlfriends always asked if we are a couple already or just teased us and smiled at us and the guys also teasd us.

Sorry if it is too long.

From my side i was very interested and she attracted me like a magnet In every aspect.
But I wasn’t ready for a relationship or something else at the moment.

From her side I don’t know what she were thinking but she told me that she is not ready for a relationship right now it came in conversation.
Plus from her teasing I could tell that she knows I am attracted to her.

The problem is that suddenly one week she became cold and distant and it felt like she is avoiding me.
And for the rest of the office peoples she became much more friendly.
For as much as I know I didn’t do anything wrong and I don’t know if something happened to her.
Messages became much more less frequent there was no eye contact no occasional smiles or glances
Everything just disappeared.
What I did was to give her time, I didn’t ignored her back or something (but sometimes it felt like I was too cold).
And then from no where she sent a message and we talked a little and now we are talking but it still isn’t the same as before there is no glances talks are much shorter and frequent no occasional smiles.

Everything made me so confused.
Any advices?

  1. what happened was that you didn’t take things forward when you had the chance.

    You cannot take forever to make things happen, you should gone on a date, kiss, and all that stuff but you didn’t.

    You were too happy with just the flirty vibe, and that only lasts for a while if you don’t escalate things.

    So she began to lose interest, and go cold due to your lack of action and now just treats you like a regular mate.

    Girl’s interest isn’t permanent. Mate. You have to strike when the iron is hot, or eventually the iron gets cold and moves on.

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