When you visit/stay at someone’s house, what’s something that makes the experience more comfortable?

  1. 1. A garbage can in the bathroom
    2. A blanket provided without me having to ask for one

  2. If they give me a set of clean towels and tell me I can shower whenever I want. If they show me where they keep the tea/coffee/mugs and invite me to help myself to drinks or food.

  3. A room of my own, if possible. Somewhere to just go and be by myself. I don’t mind sleeping on couches or airbeds or whatever, it’s the sleeping in the living room and not being able to go to sleep/get up when you want because it’s a common area that’s hard.

    Also, just being told what’s what. Where the bins are. Don’t shower before 5 because there’s no hot water, etc.

  4. Plenty of nice, warm bedding. For some reason I always get cold when I’m not in my own bed, and having plenty of blankets right there is so nice.

  5. Clean shower towels and a place to hang them when wet. I’ll use the shower rod if there’s no towel rod or hook, but that’s only if I have my own bathroom. Also ask me if I’ve any allergies or sensitivities. Overly scented candles, plug-ins, and heavy perfumes literally make me ill. There’s no need for all those scents if your place is clean, thanks!

  6. A garbage can in the bathroom. I can’t believe the amount of people I have seen with no bathroom trash can and it gives me anxiety.

  7. Everything my mother does – she is so good about making people feel like they are family, not just guests.

    So there is shampoo, conditioner, soap that is for guests to use, brand new and unopened. Towels just for them. a place they can get blankets and more pillows if they need. Snacks pointed out if they get hungry and would like something to eat, just…all of this pointed out so people know where everything is and can access it without feeling like a burden or uncertain about if the host will get ticked off by anything.

  8. Extra blankets, extra towels and a place to hang them, leaving extra toiletry items either in the bedroom or visible in the bathroom, clear trash disposal, and a spoken schedule of how they normally live their life even if it’s a vacation for everyone as far as sleep goes.

    Also, if there is something I can do to be helpful if I’m up earlier or later, just tell me.

  9. 1) Cleanliness so I don’t have to worry about where I’m laying or sitting, etc.
    2) My favorite coffee or drink
    3 somewhere to park

  10. Places to put my stuff.
    I am currently staying at my parents house while they are out of the country. There is no where to put anything. They will be gone for 3 weeks and had planned for me to stay to take care of everything but all the fridges and freezers are full. There is no space in any cupboard. The guest room doesn’t even have room to move around or place my suitcase. There is no room for even my soap in the bathroom. If you know you are going to have a guest, make room for them and their stuff.

  11. A place where I won’t hear the family arguing and see their relatives chilling. I experienced sitting on a couch between my friend and her father fighting and I didn’t want to come back.

  12. A moment to myself after i arrive to get settled. “Hey heres where you’ll be sleeping and some towels. Bathroom is down the hall. Take your time getting settled; we’ll just be in the kitchen hanging out.”

  13. Clean hand towels in the washroom. I don’t want to use your shower towel to dry my hands!

  14. The friendly, relaxed atmosphere. When the hosts don’t fight, argue or act weird with each other when they have someone around . Any awkwardness would make me feel super embarrassed and uncomfortable.

  15. Decent, normal dinner conversation! My former father-in-law was incredibly rude and nosy! ‘You didn’t eat very much!’ ‘Don’t you like the potatoes she made? You hardly touched them!’ and my favorite, ‘Hand me your plate, I’ll finish what you didn’t eat’ 😳 Staying at their house was truly a nightmare!

  16. A cup tea and a lap blanket. It might sound strange, but the smell of Lavender and Rose

  17. When there’s food and they ask if I’m hungry. So my family is very food centric- tons of snacks, fruits, always freshly cooked meals, etc. So my friends usually leave 5-10lbs heavier lol.

    However, when I’m at someone else’s house they don’t eat!!! I slept over a friend’s house one time and they literally ate 1 meal for 24 hours. I was so hungry I thought I was going to faint. And I feel embarrassed to tell people I’m hungry. So now when I have guests, I always have food available so people don’t feel self conscious like I did

  18. When they make noise! Please, the last thing I want to do is worry about even moving because I’ll make noise.

  19. Amazing pillows! Or a selection. I hate bringing my own cause they get dirty and take up valuable space in car. I’ve actually thought about buying new pillows for my MIL house cause we stay there a-lot…but i don’t want to be rude.

  20. Milk I can drink, dairy free coffee cream, and zero cal coffee syrup. I can bring my own milk frother but just those three things make it a lot easier for me to drink coffee and tea, and that makes me feel a lot more welcome.

  21. Bringing my own stuff to sleep in.
    I don’t love sleeping in someone else’s bed. I end up going to sleep late and waking up early from how uncomfortable I feel.

  22. Toilet paper, soap and water.

    But most of all, the trust that if you need anything to feel safe and comfortable to speak up and/or the trust to allow yourself to help yourself without needing their assistance. Especially after they’ve shown you where everything is and any weird quirks.

    I’ve stayed at a lot of people’s houses and have had many people stay at mine. I love hospitality.

  23. Privacy and respect for personal space. Please don’t make me feel bad for wanting to spend time alone, and even though it’s your home please at least knock before coming into the room.

  24. Counter space or a shelf in the bathroom to put my toiletry bag and also racks or hooks to hang clothes when I’m gonna take a shower and get dressed in the bathroom.
    Also a lamp and power strip on the bedside table.

  25. Water in the room. There have been countless times I’m so dehydrated but am too embarrassed to go around and look. Having water bottles in the room and telling me where everything is. The phrase ‘my home is your home’ is the best thing to hear tbh.

  26. My guests have their own fridge with water and snacks. Plus their own bathroom. I set coffee up the night before so whoever is up first can turn it on.

  27. Haven’t seen this mentioned yet, but kleenex accessible in every room, and paper towels in the bedroom and bathroom. It’s so embarrassing if you need to blow your nose or wipe your eyes and there’s nothing to do it with. And paper towels go a long way for random quick wipes of spills or cleaning something.

  28. Extra rolls of toilet paper under the bathroom sink. Why do so many people put it elsewhere, arg?

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