tldr: anticipating a break up after 1 month of long distance and unsure what action to take.

This feels like a very elementary/immature issue, but I really like this guy so idek anymore.

I (19f) started dating this guy (20m) maybe 4/5 months ago? Super sweet, super kind, but not the best communicator imo (both online and in person). I had plans to go on vacation abroad before we even got together, and I knew I would have little/no service where I was going.

We had talked about what our communication expectations were before I left: I asked him how much he would be comfortable with, bc with the time differences obv texting would be difficult, and he said that as long as it wasn’t ‘toxic’ (meaning not getting mad for not texting etc), we would figure it out as we went. I wasn’t too happy about it bc it was kinda vague but I let it be as to not sound overbearing.

He was a lot better over text before we got together which confuses me — he was able to tell me about his day, his interests, etc. but lately I feel that I’m struggling to even hold a conversation with him online. I’ll ask him about his day, responds in a few words like “chillin” or “good” or just emojis. When I tell him I miss him he doesn’t say it back. What really got to me is when I said “I love you” I had to work to get him to respond “lyt”, otherwise I don’t get the reciprocating text.

I’ve done long distance before for months at a time, so I’d like to think that I’m decent at communicating over text/online. But I’m wondering if it’s perhaps something I’ve done wrong?

Maybe it’s just my anxiety talking, maybe the time difference is making things difficult, but has this man’s lost interest lmao? Maybe it’s because it’s his first relationship and he’s not quite sure how to act. I feel like I’m being incredibly immature rn but I have a gut feeling about this.

Anyways, I’m returning soon and I’m not quite sure how to act when I see him. Ofc I’m excited to be back and see him again, I got him gifts from my trip too. But I don’t want to be so overbearing and bombard him with gifts and affection if he’s lost interest or planning on ending things. I’m half tempted to just straight up ask “are you planning on breaking up or can I give you a hug?” right when we meet. He gives very chill vibes otherwise so I’m not sure I’m going to be able to accurately read the situation :/

Any advice on how to approach the situation? Thanks in advance :,)

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