My girlfriend and I have been together for three years (since December 2019) and are currently moving in different directions in our lives. Apologies if this seems rambly; I am quite distraught.


We are both currently college students, I am in college to become an English teacher, and my girlfriend originally wanted to teach Theatre, but has since changed into wanting to be a part of a travel cast to stage manage, which, obviously, as a teacher, I could not travel with her.


We also live together and have for over a year, but she will be moving on campus in August of this year to focus on her degree, and I may be moving four hours away (even if I don’t move hours away, we will rarely see each other due to busy schedules and no longer living together). Furthermore, we each have jobs, schools, and other commitments, so it looks like it will be very hard to see one another.


I’m having a hard time dealing with this,as our relationship itself is probably better than ever, but it seems life is pulling us in two different directions to the point where maintaining a healthy relationship would be very difficult. We talked about our relationship and just cried to each other. We relived memories and talked about how much we still love each other, but that it seems our lives are becoming too different to stay together. We’re kind of in a state of relationship limbo; we haven’t broken up, but we both feel we may have to. I love her very much, our lives have been intertwined since the end of High School. Everything I have reminds me of her. I am not sure where to go from here.

1 comment
  1. >I am not sure where to go from here.

    It’s a harsh situation and from how you’ve written it, the feelings haven’t dulled between the two of you. If the bond is strong, could long distance work? Also, are there ways to close that distance in holidays etc…?

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