I’ve never really asked anyone to hang out other than in a romantic context, but my girlfriend gets on me about never hanging out with people and always doing things alone. I do get very lonely, and I get envious of people hanging out with others, but I never feel that urge to be around people or really miss anyone. Just the thought of asking a friend (don’t know who I’d ask) to hang out on my day off tomorrow makes me tired and feels like a waste of the very little time I have, so I plan on walking in the woods, yet my partner is planning on hanging out with multiple people at multiple different points. What am I not getting?

  1. >so I plan on walking in the woods

    You could invite a friend to join you on a walk.

    Hanging out does not necesserily mean going to clubs and such. It can be a chill tjing like someone joining you to do something like taking a walk or hike.

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