Ok ok, it’s probably not the best language i could use, but still. I’m fr. What are the things i can do in order to attract more girls my age (teen-Young adult).
I think my only “advantage” is the fact that I’m 6’1 tall, but still bitchlessđź’€.

So, what can you tell me?

  1. Increase your sense of self confidence and self worth. Confidence is key regardless of gender to being successful in the dating scene. If you feel like the person you’re talking to is out of your league or that you don’t deserve them then that shows. If you don’t see the good in yourself then it becomes that much more difficult for others to see it because it gets masked by insecurity and discontent.
    Additionally take care of yourself. There are no ugly people in this world, Just people who don’t take care of themselves. Even the most unfortunate person can increase their standings dramatically if they take care of themself and take steps to cultivate their appearance, mindset and emotional maturity.

  2. Referring to women as “bitches” repeatedly is red flag that you don’t you deserve to pull anyone.

  3. First of. It’s women/girls. Ur not gonna attract good women by calling them shit, I thought everyone knew that already by all of these slaps in the face. Second. U don’t ask Men this. Ask women 🤓 like be fr

  4. Plant seeds, no, not literally. Plant a seed of a compliment to a lot of women and then turn and leave. You can’t show that you care about the outcome. Then women start their narrative asking themselves does he like me?? Is he a creep?? Is he just a friend?? And now you’re in their thoughts for very little work.

  5. In your case: don’t. Just don’t even try.

    Not until you grow up and start to refer to them as something other than “bitches”.

  6. 1. Acquire at least two female dogs
    2. Put said female dogs in a cart, wagon, sled, or other similar appurtenance
    3. Firmly grasp any handle(s) on the front end of the cart like device, or attach the harness to oneself if applicable
    4. Using your feet, apply a force to the ground such that the cart moves in a forward direction
    5. After sufficient distance has been covered, pet the female dogs, give them treats/toys and inform them that they are good girls

    Congratulations, you have now pulled bitches.

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