i know this is a little too basic of an issue but i always struggle to start a conversation with everyone. They are all my friends and all but i still struggle to find something to speak of. Most of the time i continue sitting on my desk without speaking to anyone.

  1. Start with an emphatic statement. Observe something interesting a person is doing or share something interesting about yourself. Say, “so you…” and add to that. For example.

    Let’s say you know someone that plays golf. Say, “so you play golf.” Then you can pause for them to fill in something interesting they know about golf or ask questions after the emphatic statement.

    Conversation is not difficult. It’s simply a verbal exchange of ideas between two or more persons. Good luck.

  2. You can start small by complimenting them first. But that’s optional.

    Next, find a topic they really care about and scratch their itch for it.

    Find a topic based on what they do and see (past, present, future). Let’s say they’re playing Pokemon on their console in the room, Pokemon can be our subject. Maybe they’re just sitting by themselves but you remember that crazy prank they did yesterday, that can be a subject.

    What nouns have their attention (in the past, present, or future)?

    You can even ask a question to know…

    “Hey, what have you been up to lately?”

    “I’ve been learning to Crotchet.”

    When you have a subject to talk about, it becomes a lot easier to continue a conversation.

    This has a free chapter that probably explains it better than I am –


    Don’t complicate it, just go up to them and make them feel good.

  3. It’s the best time of year to ask “how were your holidays”, and from there ask – did you cook? Did you have to travel? (can talk about Southwest Airlines issue and how bad you felt for those people!). Was it a large get together and just keep going…..
    Once you can find a common subject, say food, you can then transfer that to restaurants or recipes. Basic stuff. People like to talk about themselves so just act interested. Of course be ready to answer the same questions you ask, but more times than not I find I do mostly listening.
    People also love talking about shows and movies. That’s a perfect ice breaker “have you seen xyz”. Or always watch the news, not all of it because it’s depressing, and know what’s happening with the weather.
    It’ll roll from there!

  4. My go to has always been to just make some observation out loud. Works on anyone. Even something as simple as a complaint about the temperature can start a conversation. Most people won’t let a statement go unaddressed.

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