Some context beforehand. I moved to Canada last August and it has taken me until the last week to start making friends. I’ve become kinda friends with two other guys that also moved to Canada in August and we all love in the same apartment complex but I have only started to talk to them in late December. They also are from Latin America so we all speak Spanish with each other. Now, one of the guys is really great and I value his friendship a lot. The other one is one step from going full Andrew tate is my God and women don’t deserve rights. No, I’m not even joking. He has stated 4 times that he is an Andrew Tate fan and we should also, he says that he agrees with what he says and is like 1 sentence away from going full women are less than men. He also is trying to like establish himself as the leader of the group where he is the one that has to talk everytime. He also started to make fun of me and my vocabulary. We are all from Latin America but we are from different countries so accents vary and we all say words the others don’t even know what they mean, when something goes wrong I always respond with 1 of 3 words like expressions, he has started to mock me whenever I say those words and is trying to be like the bigger guy. Jokes on him I’m a year older than him and ‘3 feet taller. I’ve started to just ignore his comment and it seems to work to an extent. Finally I want to continue hanging out with the nice guy but when we hang out it’s the three of us. What the fuck do I do? Of course I don’t want to even talk to someone like him which is misogynistic and believes in the whole alpha sigma male shit. But I want the other guy to be my friend and to hang out with me. And before the answer is just get new friends please know that it took me 5 months to start to talk to my neighbors,them, and I have negative social skills.

1 comment
  1. Who needs enemies with friends like that? You should tell the lame dude that you don’t want to continue the friendship if the misogyny continues and ask the nicer dude to support you in creating boundaries around the lame guy’s behavior. If either won’t support you, ditch them both. You deserve better even if it means going back to the drawing board for friends.

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