In April, I met someone from studying online.

We spent hours talking, literally every night/every day was with me. We got into a bad fight during Christmas break and now she needs space.

Here is what happened:

1. She disclosed genital herpes with me in June
2. I left
3. She went on IG saying that she had a date the following Saturday. Was happy for her, but in reality she met some dude in the club and fucked him Saturday and Sunday without being tested, condom broke as well.
4. I came back to help w her testing. I like honest people and she was honest
5. I asked how she thought she contracted. Told me some dude on a cruise from TikTok. I thought it was raw vaginal but only oral apparently. I left again
6. Came back, helped her finish her testing. She said I broke her heart too many times and that she was talking to some dude.
7. She ended up testing negative, did not fuck that dude because he refused STI testing and she was traumatized, ended up leaving him for me, was exclusive with me for 3 days, then 3rd day said she cant do closed LDR at the moment, wanted to still fuck that dude, didnt even fuck that dude because he wouldnt leave his ex also, fucked one of her brother’s friends for 2 weeks. This is like August.
8. I saw her in September for a week, but was pretty mad the whole time ngl. She said it was always going to be me and that she would wait months for me.

So spent like 3 months taking shit slow and talked everyday but had a fight because she contacted that non STI testing dude to do an assignment for her, hes a professional i nthe area of the project and it was due on Thursday. She texted me only after he made advances and I didnt like that and we had a big big big fight. Too much mess, too many partners, too much nonsense.

Anyway, she said she needed space and like fuck that shit. I called her a couple of times and she kept crying, like hysterically. Anyway, she went out with her brother that following Thursday and ol ex-fuck buddy was there and she didnt tell me about until she got mad about something her mom said before going out. And then she proceeded to go on a weekend trip the next day with her brother with that ex-fuck buddy there and texted me the next morning that he kissed her after asking what was wrong and that she told him to stop. That’s sexual assault, not mad at that but also could just be lying.

We discussed boundaries on this break but she couldnt set a timeline. Havent talked to her since Sunday. I won’t make assumptions yet but at this point it is prob best to focus on school. I wont shit on her, maybe the LDR thing doesnt meet her needs physically but like this space stuff can work but I dont think with her. I don’t mind seeing her occassionally and just fucking her like everyone else does but we gotta end things. This space thing is so immature and literally after doing what she before, if she reaches back out I can have sex until we stop talking. Whatever – I hope its not the case but I’m not waiting for answers.

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