I am an Uber driver and today I picked up a couple from their friend’s house. 3 people in the story, man, woman and 2nd woman who was the host and had come to see them off at door. The lady walked out first towards my car. The man and the host of the party were at the door. The man hugged her, and then she pulls him and they Kiss for about 5 seconds – while the innocent lady is just walking towards my car unaware of what just happened behind her back. Then the man proceeds to sit in the front passenger seat and the girl in the rear. It was a 12 minute journey and the man confirmed that he was dating the lady who was with us in the car since 3 years.

She asked him to wear seat belt to which he ignored her and when she kept on asking, he just turned the radio volume up and smirked at me. He then proceeds to tell me that how he hates her and can’t do anything about it and then laughs it off saying he was just kidding. The lady is being very polite and he has been nothing but rude to her all the journey. When they get off, he asks her to go open the house door and then while exiting the vehicle, whispers to me “Girls are Liars”. Mf just kissed another woman and saying this to me smh.

Now should I let the lady know that his boyfriend is cheating on her with one of their friends?

Or is it none of my business to interfere in a stranger’s relationship?

I honestly dont mind if it’s purely transactional like just paying a prostitute and having sex in exchange of money. But this lady was in their friend circle, and if something is worse than your bae cheating on you, then it is when they cheat on you with someone you know.

I just feel really bad for her

Because whenever she finds out, it is going to be immensely hurtful. They won’t be attending any mutual friend’s events or parties etc. Plus you don’t just lose a partner, you also lose a friend and then you have to watch them date each other. That’s fucked up!

Also, by the looks of it I feel the boyfriend is going to dump her soon.

So maybe if I inform her now, she can atleast prepare for separation and make sure she is atleast financially afloat or maybe avoid any expensive gifts she was planning on buying him idk. Anything that she would later regret doing.

One last reasoning: What if She was never going to find out and by telling her I break her and spoil the relationship forever. Or what if she is pregnant and by saying this I make matters worse? Cz panic and emotional trauma is the last thing you would want for a pregnant woman.


TL;DR – The man of the couple I picked up while driving Uber hugged and deep kissed the hostess of the party they were returning from while his girlfriend was walking towards the car. They did it behind her back and also (Goofy) laughed a little. During the ride the guy confirms that he is dating this girl who is in the car with us, since last 3 years. I somehow have a way of reaching the girl cz Uber gave me her number cz she forgot her phone in my car that day. What should I do with this information?

  1. Don’t do anything. You don’t know these people.

    Edit to clarify: OP does not know these people. He knows nothing about them or their lives.

    And what does this mean: I somehow have a way of reaching the girl cz Uber gave me her number cz she forgot her phone in my car that day.

    Why would Uber give you the number to a phone you had?

  2. If you can Contact the girlfriend, do so.

    I would want to know, even if it’s from a stranger.

    Tell her what you know and let her do what she will with the info.

  3. Stay out of it, for 2 reasons:

    1. There’s NO situation in which you can just provide this information and then walk away forever. You’d be swept into this drama as a main character in their narrative, as everyone would want confirmation on your eyewitness testimony, including people who don’t like what you saw. It’s messy as hell, and will cause you significant strife and potential risk.

    2. It’s kind of confusing, but people have conflicting ideas about whether they’d ever want to know if their partner’s cheating. Some believe “ignorance is bliss”, either because they rely on their relationship being stable above all else, or they’d rather learn on their own. And others are open and ready for the truth, even if it will hurt. Regardless of how YOU feel, you simply don’t know what the woman’s stance is on this, so it’s a gamble.

  4. If my Uber driver contacted me for any reason outside of my ride time, I’m going to be so freaked out and uncomfortable. Even if I’d appreciate knowing being cheated on, I’m not sure I’d feel comfortable with Uber again. It would’ve been different if you commented on it during the ride, like guy: “that’s my girlfriend” you: “you kissed the other woman on your way to my car?”

  5. Honestly, if she’s accepting the treatment that occurred just in that short ride, she’s a lost cause. And, it’s not likely that she’ll leave the loser.

    But, if you want to tell her, do it! I would leave it vague and say, “Your boyfriend’s cheating on you with your friend. The same friend you hung out with on (put the date).”

  6. Its ok to cheat with a prostitute?? What?? And no dont contact anyone from this interaction.

  7. I don’t think you need to get involved. You don’t know the whole story and it’s not really your business. I enjoyed your dramatic headline though.

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