All relationships take work and compromise. I’m wondering, if you are married and happy (or mostly happy), what are the three worst things about your spouse that you tolerate/put up with/compromised on to keep the relationship going? Examples might be like: they treat wait staff poorly, they have opposing political beliefs,they suck in bed, my in laws are the worst. Etc.

  1. Hes messy, he procrastinates and he gets very flustered driving in new places yet insists on driving. Many more positive qualities.

  2. She never sits down and relaxes

    She does everything for everyone she knows

    She refuses to take time for herself

  3. She’s too much of a people pleaser

    She doesn’t realize how capable she really is. She doesn’t give herself enough credit.

    She has no sense of direction when traveling

  4. He gets irritated easily, is a terrible gift giver, and talks during movies/tv shows. But he has a lot of wonderful traits and he’s working on the getting irritated easily. 🙂

  5. Hmmm, this is tough because it’s not bad stuff just can get annoying at times.

    1. He is very thorough with everything, decision making takes FOREVER and I personally think he overthinks. Loading the dish washer must be a certain way because the water sprays a certain way blah blah blah, dishes come out clean either way tho 🤷🏻‍♀️

    2. His comfort zone, I think he cares too much about what other think and needs to loosen up sometimes. My goofiness helps him see that there are so many ways to have fun and not everything needs to be cut and dry.

    3. Can’t think of anything lol

  6. 1. Well, I just made a post about this. He wants me to drive beaters that don’t fit our family because he’s a skilled mechanic. I want to save up or finance something reliable that fits our family in the 10-15k range and he REFUSES to be open to it or even compromise.

    2. He asks questions during movies and shows. Even knowing full goddamn well we’ve both never seen it, he’ll still be like “why are they doing that? Who is that? What’s going to happen?” Drives me insane.

    3.A. He likes fixing and building things but he’s like a fucking mad scientist about it. Everytime he does, there’s just boxes and bags with so many wires and random parts hanging out that they look disemboweled, and he leaves a trail of chaos in whatever he’s doing. AND DOESN’T CLEAN IT UP!

    *3.B. he also brings home everything from the recycle room at work (he’s in IT) so there’s like, an unbelievable amount of random computer parts. And any time he fixes anything, he refuses to toss anything because it may be useful somewhere else. One time, he brought home like a
    40lb box of **laptop power supplies**. Nothing but laptop power supplies. WHY?????*

    But, my list of the best things about him is roughly 200x longer lol

    Edit: I’m on mobile and idk wtf my formatting is doing and I’m done trying to fix it lol

  7. 1. His sex drive has tanked in the last few years due to stress, working way too much and age which we are working on and it is improving.

    2. He works way too much and puts way too much of his focus on his job vs. his home life – which will change this summer thank GOD.

    3. He is way too logical about things and doesn’t allow emotion into most decisions- even one’s that SHOULD be emotional.

  8. – He is indecisive but then again I knew I was going to be the decision maker going into the relationship and marriage. But it still sometimes frustrates me.

    – he refuses to fight, when I am at my peak anger, he will remain so calm that it angers me more and I cry and he just hugs me and let’s me cry and then I calm down. Wait this is a good thing I think

    Wow I can’t think of anything else.

  9. She’s too much of a workaholic

    She procrastinates household chores

    She thinks she needs to do so many grandiose things for me to be happy but really I am at my happiest just being next to her. I wish she would realize she doesn’t need to impress me.

  10. He spills coffee

    He works too hard

    He is too thorough so everything takes him much longer to do than if I just half assed it.

  11. 1. She rarely intiaites intimacy, but is responsive if I do.
    2. She tend to watch too much TV for my tastes.
    3. She doesn’t like outdoor activities.

  12. 1. The past childhood puts pressure on how he wants to do things and forgets times have changed. Lol
    2. Can’t always see others’ perspectives and can make wrong decisions.
    3. Was a bachelor for too long before we were married and is adjusting to family life.
    AND that’s where the miracle of me comes in. I can see and understand and can step in and help balance things!!

  13. Well, this is a bummer read before I’ve even had my coffee.
    My husband isn’t perfect, but neither am I.
    As such, I am glad his “good” outweighs his “bad.”

  14. He’s pretty farty (wasn’t that way when I married him)

    He has a hard time wanting to try out new things sometimes like shows

    He has ADHD and so it’s harder for him to have motivation to do things like clean – but I can’t really blame him for this because I am the exact same way lol

    I also have some bad in-laws but I don’t count that against him since that’s not his fault in any way.

  15. 1. His extroversion drives him to prioritize time with friends over quality time with us way too frequently

    2. Lack of patience for emotional intimacy but expectation to have his physical needs met

    3. Always looking for “more” & trouble appreciating what we have

  16. Wow. I don’t have even one thing I don’t like or tolerate about my husband. Can’t think of one.

  17. She’s so tall, I can’t kiss her forehead or cheek unless she is sitting or leans down. However, it’s also one of the best things because she reaches things off high shelves for me.

    She’s incredibly handsome and looks fantastic in a suit, so she has women and men approaching her often.

    She’s hard working, driven, and dedicated, which means she doesn’t stay in bed as long as I do, and I wake up without her next to me when I sleep in.

    And a fourth thing, I’m really happy to be her wife, and sometimes she is all I can think about.

  18. Married 30 years.

    His “worst” qualities are also positive traits because they keep us grounded.

    He considers every aspect and angle and possibility before making a decision. This drives me nuts. I would rather make the wrong decision and deal with the consequences as wait and wait and wait to decide. Obviously, his way is the mature way.

    He doesn’t see himself accurately. He doesn’t see his strengths. Others do, but he never thinks he has as much wisdom or knowledge as others. Often he has much more.

    And… I’ve sat here for 15 minutes trying to think of a third thing. I can’t. He really is just that amazing.

  19. She’s busy helping the family all the time

    She loves our kids more than anyone

    She doesn’t do much for herself

  20. Tends to struggle to tell a short story without multiple sub plots, painful when we meet new people who want a “long story short” version.

    Jumps into arguments between me and the teenagers
    Over chores etc, on their side, after not being present the first 4 or 5 times I’ve asked for shit to be done.

    Chews ice while we watch tv or moves in bed. She has no medical issue that causes this desire. It literally sounds like her teeth are breaking and I can’t concentrate the show.

    She’s incredibly patient in dealing with my quirks, extremely smart, way too good looking to be with me, and pulls down a nice little paycheck too. I’ll keep her. 🤷🏼‍♂️😂

  21. I don’t feel like there’s anything to “put up with” but I wish my husband didn’t have plantar fasciitis or bad shoulders so he’d have an easier time achieving his lifting goals. And this isn’t a direct husband issue, but I do wish his sister wasn’t such a bitch lol

  22. He’s a super introvert and struggles to communicate. He infers a lot and makes assumptions that are often wrong/lead to problems.

    He doubts himself a lot. He likely had untreated ADHD as a kid and struggled in school. His parents didn’t help him and it made him feel dumb. He’s actually really smart but he can be insecure about how people perceive him.

    That’s all I got. He’s pretty amazing. Really great husband overall.

  23. 1) he takes more time to get ready than I do, getting myself AND our 4 kids ready 🤦‍♀️

    2) he has some “only child tendencies”

    3) he has a hard time admitting he is wrong

    There are so many other amazing things about him, but that’s not what was asked lol

  24. To be honest the only thing I can come up with is he can be prone to low self esteem, and doesn’t believe in himself enough.

    But it’s not that I tolerate or put up with those traits. I just wish he could sometimes see in himself what an amazing man and partner he is!

  25. He has one flaw. 1. The man loses EVERYTHING. I have a joke he sends things to the netherworld never to be seen again. We finally found the TV remote after 6 months while we were in the middle of looking for the replacement TV remote. The original was the replacement is just a remote of Legends now. He also loses stuff that’s right in front of him. It’s quite hilarious. XD

  26. 1. He’s not letting me cuddle with him right now because he’s working.

    2. He works so I have to say goodbye to him every day.

    3. He’s too perfect

  27. 1)How long he can play video games sometimes I swear he’s in a trance 2)that I wouldn’t have to ask for help with housework and he’d just help without me needing to 3)slowing down when driving he drives too fast sometimes and I get nervous; I’ll admit I’m a very cautious driver and the most to go over is 3 to 5mph and it’s to keep up with traffic

  28. He chomps gum for hours. Like dude, throw it out after 15 minutes for crying out loud. He folds towels and blankets like an insane person. Total disregard for lining up the corners! He puts beer cans in the trash instead of the recycling bin… sometimes. I really had to dig for that one.

  29. My husband still acts like a bachelor some days, but he’s working it. He can turn the tiniest mole hill into a mountain, but he’s working on it. He’s a big mama’s boy but I also love how well he looks out for his mom.

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