I was considering downloading a period app to remind myself to expect it and be extra sensitive. That or just a monthly reminder

UPDATE: I’m stopping notifications for this, since most comments are now telling me why I shouldn’t do it, as opposed to answering the question. I was going to delete it, but I’ll keep the post for anyone who wants to read

  1. Ngl Ill snap back at her if she brings me that bs

    Than she’ll start crying than I feel bad for snapping

    Sigh* it’s a whole routine

  2. I’m my wife’s walking menstrual calendar. I have no idea why I can remember it, but I do. Not long ago, we went to the doctor together because we were both sick and the doctor asked her when she got her period last and she looked over at me for the answer. You can imagine the look on the doctor’s face. I just know about a week before she get her period she gets really quiet. Not snappy or impatient. Just quiet and distant.

  3. Weirdly you don’t even have to do all that and you’ll learn it without even realizing it. You’ll just be sitting there and it’ll hit you and you’re sitting there like whoa hold on when the f did I start keeping track of this shit?

  4. Don’t track it unless you want to creep her out lol. Noticable mood swings aren’t even a major symptom for most women, especially to the point where it would override emotional control. Even if they are someone who experiences that, there’s no telling whether it’s a pre/post menstrual symptom (which would happen before or after the period) or a symptom they experience during the actual period itself. You’d end up just tracking her normal human emotions that have little to nothing to do with her menstrual cycle.

    If she’s consistently lashing out at you and then gaslighting you into thinking it’s her period, to the point where you feel the need to track it to “remove yourself”, you might want to consider that maybe she is just mistreating you? If not, then you should probably just ask her (not when she’s mad obviously), or make her feel comfy enough to tell you about it on her own.

  5. To do what? I don’t see the point. Also, the mood does not have to be related to the periods. I have not researched it rigorously but definitely have single counterexamples.

  6. You must be out of your damn mind. She finds that App you are in for a world of hurt. Especially if she’s pms.

  7. She’s not a child and has agency. If she’s being unfair to you don’t keep a track of her cycle to see if you can justify not standing up for yourself lol that’s weird.

    It’s on her to control how she acts, not you to walk on eggshells around her 25% of the time like she’s a child who can’t control her actions. Not saying to be a prick or anything, obviously be understanding and nice. But don’t think of avoiding her mood swings as your responsibility

  8. She says something like “I’m getting cramps and craving cheese. I’m pretty sure my period is right around the corner.”

    But she doesn’t have big mood swings. Just might be more likely to vocalize minor annoyances like “I hate when you leave your clothes on the floor.”

  9. I track so I know when I can pay extra attention to her needs. Have hot pads at the ready, order takeout, be more patient, etc.

  10. I have a rough estimate of my wife’s period/cycle.

    I mostly keep track of it for sex purposes as it’s obvious when she’s her horniest and when she’s clearly off limits, and also to make sure I didn’t fuck up.

    I don’t think it’s wrong or (too) weird, it’s more like utilizing a tool and knowledge of biology to be a better partner.

    BUT, still a slight risk if she catches you with a period app, she’ll find it weird, so, that’s a risk you’re gonna have to take.

  11. There are mood swings during her period?

    I usually just wrap her up in a warm blanket, kiss her forhead and feed her snacks and help her out if she needs something.. Like I do with all of my previous GFs. So far, I never had a single argument because of “period rage”.

  12. We can generally track it by behavioura

    I find myself trying to mount her constantly about 48 hours before it happens. 24 hours before it happens she turns into a monster. The next day it arrives and everyone goes back to normal again

  13. Tourner Dans Le Vide starts playing, it’s getting louder and louder. Bugatti will stop in front of you, Andrew Tate jumps out and punches you for being Beta.

  14. Usually when the all of her friends are suddenly bitches she hates I know it’s coming in a day or two

  15. I make a little check mark on a personal, paper calendar. Took me a while to figure out why these once a month strange, emotional arguments would happen until I started keeping track. Now I just lay low and speak quietly for a few days leading up and all is well. I wish men had a be a dick once a month get of jail card too.

  16. So thankful my wife never had that problem. At her worst, she’d say she felt bad and just wanted to sit and watch TV all day.

  17. I usually notice a day or two prior to to her getting her thing so I leave the house and sleep in my car.

  18. There are apps you get to track these things. If she’s on birth control it should be pretty regular.

  19. I wouldn’t be scared of such a thing, just be there for her, if there was a her 🙁

  20. Yeah, as a man you should be aware of when the emotional-not-tethered-to-reality stuff is about to happen.

  21. No he doesn’t. I do give him a heads up every month the 2 weeks before my period because I have PMDD though.

  22. Caught me off guard every month when suddenly the witch appeared over 25 yrs! Then menopause hit and the marriage died (she was a problem drinker too and, I suspect, ADHD.

  23. I usually know based on clues leading up to it. That being said though different girls have different signs you just got to know them.

  24. No, I’ve created an environment that’s anti fragile and one of the things of anti fragile environment is that it gets stronger from unexpected things.

  25. My wife’s cycle has never affected her mood towards me. I feel for her when she cramps but she’s never once in the 15 years I’ve known her used it as an excuse to be unpleasant in any way.

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