My (25M) GF(22F) said she needs time and space to think after our fight but I want to make it up by buying an Apology Gift

We have this huge fight that we’re having right now because she caught me chatting with a FEMALE colleague and the messages are mostly about me ranting about our relationship and asking for advice on how to fix our relationship because I dont want to lose my GF and I realized too late that it was so wrong of me to do so. We had a fight and so apologetic about it and want to atone by blocking my colleague but she is still hurting and disappointed that’s why she asked for time and space to think because he can’t think straight right now. Even tho she said that she need space, I want to give her an apology gift so I can show her that I’m really being sincere but doesn’t know if it’s appropriate to do so because of the space and time that she asked.

Context about the conversation on that FEMALE colleague. We don’t chat often we only talked to each other when I’m asking for an advice as a female perspective with more relationship experience and some rants about our relationship like letting my steam off or like sharing my emotional baggage or something so I wont bottle my feelings up.

TL;DR; : My (25M) GF (22F) asked for some space and time to think after our big fight and to show that I’m sincerely apologizing for my action I want to give her some gift like a peace offering gift. Is it appropriate to do so even tho she asked for some space?

  1. “I ranted and talked shit about my girlfriend to another woman and now I want to try to love bomb her with gifts to fix it”


  2. imho apology gifts suck. Every time you see/ use it you think about the fight that made the person decide to suck up and get you something. They’re not genuine thoughtful gifts.

  3. Space and time are the best gifts. Something material is a bad idea. Feels like you’re trying to buy her off.

    Leave her alone to process what’s happened and whether she actually wants to continue dating you.

  4. Oh. My. Fricking. Knickers.


    You basically invited another woman into your relationship as an emotional dump to talk shit behind your girlfriend’s back about the said girlfriend.

    Holy shit.

    Why the frick would you even had that idea in the first place?

    You betrayed your girlfriend’s trust, painted her to another woman in a very bad light on a semi-regular basis, gosh, the very fact that you discussed your relationship business with another woman…

    Wow. You’re lucky, you’re not single by now.

    And then…”I want to make up for all the disrespectful shit I’ve done by buying a gift.”.

    Buy brains.

    Or, better, ask that woman.

    You are used to it, after all.

    Edit: Oh, my god. This crybaby started a stink because his (ex) girlfriend “friended” her ex on a social media. Went through all her shit – what, to catch her doing something inappropriate? And then wet his pants once caught venting to his female “colleague” about his girl.

    Dude. No, just no.

    Edit 2: Oh, he even painted this situation as “it was kinda my girlfriend’s fault” for that stink with social media. Nice.

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