So Im a man who is always attracted to women but when im horny I become attracted to men. Id be watching porn and then suddenly id start imagine having sex with the man, sucking him off, kissing his chest, being fucked by him, fucking him etc.

However, when I nut then my attraction to men goes

  1. You *might* be bisexual the rest of the time too and only horny when you’re, yknow, horny.

  2. You could be bisexual all of the time too, maybe you need to do some reflection haha.

    Its also possible to be bisexual but heteroromantic ! You could be sexually attracted to men and women but only romantically attracted to women

  3. It means that you like guys sexually only and not in a relationship romantic way easy, you are bisexual.

  4. Ahh explore that, you might surprise yourself. You’d probably do good in a Mmf threesome. Don’t worry about settling down with labels of your sexuality, like what you like dude.

  5. This is not an unusual thing. Another thing that bisexual men can experience is the perception that they feel they’re only attracted to the dick.

    In my opinion, it’s probably tied to the belief that you shouldn’t or cannot be attracted to men. Like a subconscious belief that you’ve internalized that there’s something wrong with being attracted to men, and so you ignore any hint of that until it just kind of bursts forth once you reach a certain level of arousal.

    If I were you, I would explore that as a possibility. Another thing to keep in mind is romantic and sexual attraction attention always in sync. You’re still bi though.

  6. OP, this is how I felt about women until I realized I was bisexual & heteroromantic which is not uncommon & still counts as bi!

  7. I don’t find this unusual as a girl I would have sex with another girl…but I wouldn’t date one. So I get it

  8. Porn actually can change turn on patterns. It does not change you from straight to gay though. Read about a man who stopped being turned on by real life experiences and woman After stopping porn completely, the way he used to react to women came back. So if you don’t get attracted to men otherwise you are straight, it is only the porn that messes with you.

  9. It’s called post nut clarity. Most guys I’ve been with and myself seem to feel it more after getting off with a guy. I think it’s from it being just a sex act with a guy. Like I can have feelings of love and affection for a woman with plenty of sex drive. With other guys, it’s just raw sex, no love like feelings. Like I love M4M sex but in no way want to snuggle for an hour after with a guy, but love that with a woman. Seems to be pretty typical with bi guys. Gay guys I’ve been with always want to snuggle after.

  10. A lot of people are throwing around the word heteromantic while OP has only spoken about attraction. Feelings toward women or men have not been discussed. Therefore, your theories about romantic orientation is irrelevant.

    I am homoromantic, yet, I am more sexually attracted to women. I love dicks, yet, men’s faces and shapes don’t do much for me. But I also only romantically date men.

    Sexuality is not just about labels, let OP figure it out.

  11. How come everyone here draws their own conclusions and really respect what OP is actually saying?

    After I nut, I’m still attracted to my gender of preference, that doesn’t change. What OP describes is just a little peciuliarity.

  12. Sexuality is definitely a spectrum! For example, I’ve(31f) only ever had sex/relationships with men and I honestly don’t like the taste/look of my own damn self down there so I doubt I would enjoy somebody else’s lol BUT…I absolutely recognize a hot woman when I see one and my top 3 hottest ladies of all time are Marion from Indiana Jones, Roxanne from Goofy movie, and then the goth poetry chick from the other Goofy movie…👌*chef’s kiss* so yeah, I’m probably a little bi 😂

  13. So you’re bisexual when you’re sexual. Not difficult to understand.

    Do you ever long for a snuggle from a dude when you’re feeling strong emotions? If not, you’re not homoromantic.

    Sexual and romantic attraction are often for the same objects, but not exclusively. You’re over-loading the concept of “heterosexual” – that’s causing your confusion.

  14. Save the labels for later. Try some things out for awhile and figure out what you like 👍🏻

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