What’s the most interesting thing you can see out of your office or kitchen window?

  1. My car, so I can daydream of getting in it and driving home to go to bed constantly.

  2. Office – trees (really pretty in the fall), Canadian Geese (fun to watch but not pick up after)

    Kitchen – deck, grill, inground pool, fire pit, sometimes dog

  3. The wind is reeeally whipping the trees back and forth now. It’s quite beautiful, watching all the orange leaves fall and fly in the air.

  4. Sir Nutters, the squirrel who has used our front yard to store his cache of nuts. My 13 year old and I named him Nutters after much back and forth. Then I shared with my 18 year old, who knighted him.

  5. Office has no windows. New office, they said it was to expensive. So now it’s a prison. Kitchen window, I see neighbors house and birds and life going by.

  6. A wooded mountain ridge, often some wildlife, lots of trees and bushes, flowers when they are blooming

  7. Another house and a courtyard with trees, bushes, benches and stuff, which I guess is kinda pretty but not really interesting.

  8. Local governments taking away our pavement 7 WEEKS AGO AND NEVER BUILDING IT BACK, LIKE, WTF, how are people supposed to go through? Specifically people with physical mobility issues. We live in one of the few accessible building in the city. We’re currently five mobility challenges people in my building, and three in the next one. Well, not accessible anymore lol

  9. Actual office – a baseball stadium and the ocean.

    Home office – a freeway and some mountains beyond that.

  10. A road, the local independent airport (lots of cool small planes come and go), and hills beyond.

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