tdlr:’ there’s a lot of things my bf does that makes me think that he’s toxic i just need reassurance

so me and my bf have been together for 3 years and for the first year and a half it went well, of course we had ups and downs but he was so so sweet and made it seem like i was his absolute world, i’d get attention all the time, we’d go do thing sometimes, i got gifts. but for the last year things have started changing. about 6 months ago i moved in with him at his parents and things have gotten worse since then. i want to give some context of things that have happened before i move in as well because i believe that it’s important, sometimes he makes really messed up jokes like for example once him and my best friend at the time had to sleep in a car together (she didn’t sleep in there with him but she stayed out there all night with him) and a couple months later he decided it’d be funny if he told me they had sex, he even went as far as to crying and when i cried because i believed him, he started hysterically laughing at me. there have been many other messed up jokes about girls but i believe that one is really messed up. he also has a short temper, like one time i asked him to take his bong to his room because his papaw was coming over too and he didn’t. want to but i didn’t. want to get up because i was having period cramps. after asking him like 5+ times he got up to get it and knocked over his bong and broke the bowl. instead of getting mad at himself he blames it on me yelling “you’re so fucking stupid ong i hate you so much your so dumb and lazy”. when i confront him about my feelings of any sort he invalidates them or gets mad at me, but sometimes he’ll be overly sweet and cry like he feels bad but do the same things i was crying about hours later. also my love language is gift giving, i don’t expect materialistic things just small things like notes or flowers or anything sentimental. but he’s told me he finds “romantic gestures cringe”(he got his first gf flowers, i have never gotten them after 3 years and crying an begging) but i haven’t received a single gift since last Christmas (that gift was 10$ out of the 80$ he got for christmas). my 18th birthday which he knows is the most important one to me because i could finally leave my abusive family he did nothing ,no gift no any thing. i asked t for atleast a note and he said he couldn’t find paper(if he looked there was some on his desk) and this year i was excited because he finally had a job on christmas, except the week of christmas he called off every day (which got him fired) because of a new video game he bought so i got nothing, what i. mainly have been having a problem with is his video games, he wakes up and plays till he goes to sleep, i ask for cuddles before i got to bed and i will have to wait a few hours for them(or just fall asleep without them)so i get maybe 1 minute of cuddles a day.i do ask him to get off sometimes but he always acts annoyed or says he’ll get off after another game and never does. i like to adventure and go out but it’s probably been 9 months since we went on a actual date probably longer and it’s been almost 2 weeks since i left the house and i am going crazy,i’m so exhausted but i don’t know what to do because if i leave him i’ll be homeless because i can’t get a job unless helps me get a new id and open a bank account but he doesn’t have 65$ to do that…what should i do? :,)

  1. this sounds like a terrible relationship he sounds terrible jokes are meant to be funny not make you cry & overthink… the bong thing was childish as fuck, makes me think he would eventually hit you if he really got that upset over you asking him to do ONE little simple thing? like it’s the least he could do if he doesn’t do anything else for you. flowers are under 5$ & a love letter is $0. he doesn’t want to put in the effort for you so don’t put the effort in for him.
    you should ask a friend, someone anyone to help you get your id asap it shouldn’t be a long process

  2. This post is just a parade of red flags. Your boyfriend does not respect you. This will get worse, and likely will never get better.

    You are very young. Get out of this relationship.

    Please think of your future. Is this where you want to be in 5 years?

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