Lately I’ve been thinking about taking dancing classes since I suck at clubs and I was wondering how common this is amongst men.
Most people expect to be a great dancer due to my origins and physique but that makes me stress even more and paralyse me when I need to

Any advise would be welcome

  1. bruh, just let the beat take over your body. no need for classes. slow, smooth moves. no herky jerky moves, unless you’re pop lockin.

  2. I still hesitate but what progress I’ve made is due to the realization that nobody cares or is paying attention other than my friends, and they all already think I’m a goof.

    I think most people suffer from a debilitating overestimation of how much notice random strangers take of them. Your mortal embarrassment is just something they noticed out the corner of their eye and forgot about 2 minutes later.

  3. I don’t know if it’s common but it’s something you and I had in common when I was a young man. I was absolutely paralyzed and also considered classes.

    First bit of advice: Don’t take classes. Nobody in a club dances anything that you could learn anyway. This isn’t like taking Salsa lessons with the Mrs. You don’t WANT to have steps.

    Second bit of advice:
    > Most people expect to be a great dancer dur to my origins and physique

    This is probably false. Most people probably don’t have any expectations of you at all. It’s just something in your head because YOU expect that YOU should be a great dancer due to similarities you have with others that share your origins and physique. In reality, I promise nobody is looking at you going “Now THERE goes someone I just KNOW is a great dancer”

    Which leads to three:
    You just have to do it and let go. Get out there, ignore everybody else, and move your body. Try to have fun… that’s the whole point of it right? It’s supposed to be fun. Find the part that is fun for you and go with it. Nobody is looking at you. Worst case scenario: Bob your knees and rock your arms lightly back and forth to the beat. The goal while you’re getting over the fear is to be nondescript. Nobody doing the “White Guy Dance” stands out because everybody does it. Nobody looks good, but you don’t look OBVIOUS either.

    But also Four:
    You know it’s okay to not dance right? I got over my fear of dancing but I never got over hating clubs. You don’t HAVE to do this. Don’t force something you actually hate. If you can find a way to make it fun then great, but if it’s torture every time it’s okay to let it go.

  4. FEAR of dancing?

    I know no such thing

    I danced Infront of my coworkers and if I recall correctly I was the only one dancing in the middle at the school dance

    As embarrassing of a situation as that sounds, I think I remember other people joining in..

    Amigo if you want to dance than you go ahead and dance. Let your body carry you and just remember one thing:

    All the people who judge you are never going to help you pay the rent so they can keep their 2 cents to themselves.

    This is your life, your dance floor. They don’t know what it means to walk in your shoes so show them how you do it!

  5. I took dance classes too. It worked great! It gives you enough bodily awareness and feel for the music, so you can extend that to any other dancing (including in a club).

  6. When I was in Grade 8, I joined a square dancing club. There were about three other boys and the rest were all the best looking girls in the school. The boys too nervous to join were staring through the window in the door while I was sashshaying. I knew what I was doing and it had nothing to do with dancing.

  7. I have no fear of it, I miss it so much:( I only get rejected when I ask a woman out or to dance

  8. Big guy here. Completely uncoordinated, horrible balance. Love dancing, and have been told by numerous dance partners that I dance well. I don’t, but they like the rhythm that I find to the music.

    First, attitude/confidence is 99.9999% of it. Getting there is tough, but mostly because you get in your own way. Nobody is watching you, so dance like nobody is watching you. Even if you catch someone watching you, ignore it. Dancing is about having fun and moving to YOUR rhythm. Practice in front of a mirror if it helps. When that “you look stupid” voice pops in your head, smile and keep going.

    If you want to dance to a certain style of music that doesn’t have defined steps (EDM, rap, reggaeton) then you just need to learn to move your hips to the bassline, move your feet a little, then later work in small shoulder movement and figure out some things to do with your arms. It’s seriously that simple.

    Honestly, as long as you don’t look stiff, like you’re having a seizure, or not enjoying yourself, you’re doing it right. Smile, enjoy yourself, don’t look at your feet or the ceiling.

  9. Oh god only knows.
    The only dancing i did was when i was in a nightclub (old enough to still call it a disco 😆)

    My technique was not to give a fuck. Enjoy just “throwing shapes” with utter confidence.

    Granted, i probably looked like an utter tool but because it seemed that i knew what i was doing, i noticed other guys copying my “moves”

    Later i learned that the best thing that you can do is to listen to the bass beat and follow that.

    I have no idea if that is good advice but i can tell you one thing…

    .._i_ really enjoyed.dancing without giving a shit if anyone thinks it’s good, accurate, or cool.

  10. I call on Mr Al Cahol – hasn’t failed yet.

    Seriously, though, take some lessons in a bit of ballroom (salsa, cha cha, waltz, and two-step or swing get you through a lot)

  11. Really? Just watch some YouTube videos and get some drinks down the hatch, youll be dancing in no time. If there was something about going to clubs that would have scared me, it would have been the fighting not the dancing.

  12. 1. Realise that other people don’t give a fuck
    2. Stop giving a fuck yourself

    Once your care factor disappears, a lot of things change. Your body loosens, you become able to tune it into the music more, you start finding movements that work for you.

  13. For me personally it’s not the fear of dancing – I did 4 years of ballroom dance classes at school and then 3 years of social dancing (tango) as an adult – but a lack of music sense. I just don’t feel it and can’t move with the flow at random.

  14. Told myself, who the hell cares. I look like an idiot standing there not dancing, might as well look like an idiot dancing here

  15. I finally accepted I don’t actually have a fear of dancing. I have a *dislike* of dancing. It’s an activity like any other, it might just not be for you.

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