assuming it’s involved some complicated understanding and some details. I ask because note taking is useful but it’s consuming me a lot of time.

  1. Yes. I start each day by writing the date on a page in a steno pad. I then jot down notes for each file and call I get. This has saved me a few times when I forget to note something in the file and look back at my notes. Sometimes I can’t fully document the file because I get another call or pulled into a meeting. Additionally I find it helps me remember things better. The notes are very “high” level and start with the file name and then brief topics. Finally, on days that I feel like I’m not being productive I can look at my notepad to see what I’d accomplished that day.

    You didn’t ask but always show up to a meeting with something to write on and a pen.

  2. yes. in my view, that’s part of the job. if i don’t take notes, stuff doesn’t get done. even if your memory is good enough to handle everything — for now — you can still benefit from having things written down.

    i’m in IT, if i’m in a meeting and the other person/people see me taking notes — on video call or in-person — it creates a good impression: that i value their time and what they’re saying, that i’m not taking the work lightly, etc.

  3. Tons of notes every day, some to help my short term memory and others to help write documentation more formally that can be used by everyone

  4. Yes! part of my job is being a part of multiple projects and OneNote has been my savior. I write notes during each meeting and if I didn’t I’d have failed at my job long time ago.

  5. A little bit but honestly not that much. With my job there often aren’t a lot of details when I get requests and it’s more on me to create the detailed part from some high level direction I’ve received or as a solution to some broad problem that needs solving. I have a couple people who work for me who record WebEx meetings (with everyone’s permission of course), so they can go back and reference things on top of whatever notes they take. It has come in handy quite a few times.

  6. I always take tons of notes and encourage people that are being trained to do the same so they can look back on the process. Yes I can answer the same question a few times but if you are not writing it down and you expect me to always give you the answer, that’s not going to work for me.

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