So me and my girl we have been dating for more than past 4 months things was quite simple and we both were happy to this point, and things in the bed was also going very nice i use to finish after her in bed, and then she said she doesn’t wanna make it a habbit and she don’t wanna do it often but now whenever i am in the mood or wanna have sex she always makes up excuses. we haven’t gone physical from past one month i don’t know what i did wrong or is she lossing intrest in me or am I unattractive . I don’t know what to do … Any advice??

  1. I mean is there anything going on in her life she’s dealing with that you aren’t aware of? I know when I’m stressed about something, my sex drive kind of takes a dive. You could just be honest and ask her what’s going on with your shared sex life.

  2. Lord have mercy talk to the woman. Don’t accuse her, don’t make assumptions, just ask if she’s okay and if there’s anything you can do to help with any sexual issues (if any). Maybe she just doesn’t want to have sex, and that’s fine.

  3. C-O-M-M-U-N-I-C-A-T-E!! Like jeezus fuck guys, talk! Go ask her “Hey, this is bothering me, is there something wrong? Is there a problem between us? Please be honest with me.” Air out your worries, give her room to be honest with you.

  4. She’s got you all figured out, and now it’s time to restrict access to sex to see how you respond. A silent alarm went off in her head annoucing “let the games begin.” This is ‘a’ normal stage following the honeymoon period, where you two are starting to get more familiar with each other.

    She’s probably not consciously aware of it, like a program running in the background. It’s like a shit test.

    Wait till she’s ovulating.

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