I’m 41 in April. I’m single, never married, no children, don’t own property, work a minimum wage job, and have a couple of people I consider close friends. I’ve never moved away from my hometown. I’m a coward for not facing up to reality sooner and taking strides to build the life I want.

I’m at that age now where I feel like I want a partner, but think it might be too late for that, unless I take on the responsibility of some other man’s children, but who’d want a 40+ year old coward with no assets or prospects?

I’m lonely. I feel things aren’t going to get much better in the coming years economically speaking, and every day that passes, the life I thought I’d have by now drifts further and further out of reach.

Do I resign myself to the fact I will die alone and deal with it and try to make the most of it. I can’t be the only guy who feels he’s fucked his life up beyond repair.

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