What is the longest you’ve commuted for a job?

  1. 120 miles daily, when I was starting out. Time varied from 2-4 hours depending on traffic, it was fortunately majority highway driving. I WFH now and I don’t think I could ever go back to that.

  2. Halfway across the country. I flew out and back every week during a several months long project.

  3. 3.5 hours there, 3.5 – 4.5 back depending on the bus (took 2 trains and a bus each way)

  4. Mine is currently 1hr 10 mins to 1hr 30mins each way. Sucked at first but kind of used to it now. I take the bus so I read and talk to LDR boyfriend on the phone to pass the time.

  5. 45 mins -1hr one way. It sucked. I now drive an avg of 12 mins to work and about 20 mins home, and it is WAY better for my mental health

  6. 40 minutes each way. The bus stopped right outside my home and my workplace, so it was nice and a chill 40 minute nap tbh.

  7. An hour and 15 minutes. 15 minute bike ride. 45 minutes train. 15 minute bike ride. As long as it wasn’t raining, it wasn’t too bad. I got to exercise twice a day and take a 45 minute nap twice a day.

  8. Some of these responses are insane. The furthest I travelled was 1.5 hours and only lasted a month. That was hell. Feel so fortunate to be fully remote and WFH now. Not sure I’d want to go back to office ever.

  9. 45mins door to door, quicker if I took the train but I like taking the bus. V lucky to live in a city with great transport links and good government investment in infrastructure.

  10. Damn, I hated the 45 min commute I had (mostly due to morning traffic any other time it was about 30 min), and I am seeing people with 1 hour or longer 😵‍💫

  11. 45 mins to an 1 hour 15 mins, depending on traffic.

    It’s “only” 3-4 days a week but I’m over it and looking for a place closer.

  12. Currently my drive is 40 minutes both ways which is the longest I’ve ever had but I work on a 4 on, 5 off rotation and there’s another lady at work that drives 4hrs here and just lives here for her 4 day block, then drives home and stays there for her 5 days off. My dad is a firefighter and they all shift trade 24hr shifts so they’ll drive 5+ hrs from across the province, live in the city they work in for a few days, then drive back and have like 3 weeks off.

  13. Two and a half hours. It was absolutely terrible. Five hours of my life every day wasted on it for nearly two years.

  14. as a management consultant, I once for a project commuted from San Francisco to Singapore (it was doing work for the airline there, so the cost of the travel wasn’t an issue, and could work on the plane) commuted every second week or so

  15. It used to take me 2 hours to drive 15 miles through Seattle traffic. It was FUCKING TERRIBLE.

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