I dunno what to think about this girl at my workplace. I mean we were kinda friendly with one another? We worked along with 1 other person together for a month. However during this month apparently she did complain to my boss that I was ‘bossy’ and a ‘meany’ but i didn’t find this out till many many months after I worked with her. But she also said to me at the end of the month when we worked together, ‘i enjoyed working with you, you are fun, i can’t wait to work with you again.’ She even said another time, ‘let me kno when you are going out.’

However months later we just grew apart. I asked her how was life once and she said ‘im going throug mental health problems, im feeling anxious and depressed.’ Just like venting to me. I later asked her to hang at a rooftop bar and she didn’t answer. I got kinda upset about that, I wasn’t even asking her out, I just felt bad and wanted to be nice…. So then i kinda stopped talking to her. For many many weeks I didn’t talk to her, look at her or anything. I didn’t even wish her happy birthday. Afterwards I know she was upset with me because whenever I saw her around, she just acted like I was invisible.

But later whenever I see her she does say hi to me. Today when I saw her I said hi and she said hi to. I asked her how was she she said ok, and she asked me how I was, I said ok. I said to her ‘you look tired.’ And she said ‘work will do that to you.’ Idk I feel things are awkward, I didn’t even want to talk to her. Why is she like this?

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