what is something everyone should do before turning 40?

  1. Learn to swim.

    I bitch about this all the time but no adult shouldn’t at least know how to doggy paddle.

  2. Enjoy life, not play it safe.

    Want to sky dive? do it
    Learn to ski or snowboard? Do it
    Ride a motorcycle? Why not?
    Rob a bank? Sure it’s great retirement plan

  3. Live off of retail/customer service jobs for at least several months if not a year or two. That way by the time they turn 40 they should know not to be awful jerks to people who work those jobs.

  4. Find lasting hobbies. Something you can see yourself doing now and when you’re 40, 50, 60 and so on.
    At some point there’s gonna be certain things you can’t do, so make sure you have something to fall back on, that you enjoy immensely.

    I’m merely 34, but my hands are giving in, as the fine motor skills and grip strength is fading, and I have chronic pains. At some point I have to stop playing games, instruments and drawing, but I’ll still have painting, writing and reading to fill my days, as long as I have basic motor functions in fingers, wrists and arms. If that fails, I’ve always loved movies and music, and could spend a lifetime exploring and consuming media.

  5. You should be doing everything you can for as long as you’re alive. Life doesn’t end at 40.

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