What would you answer if someone says you aren’t attractive?

  1. I’d say: Madam, I may be ugly, but in the morning, I will be beautiful, and you will still be drunk.

  2. would sound like a place of insecurity to me, i’d probably assume they are projecting theirs on to me. So I’d tell them i wish them the best and smile.

    This will probably piss them off the most not validating their nonsense

  3. As much as I would like to be indifferent like most comments here, I would get very uncomfortable and sad..
    Low self-esteem sucks

  4. I’ve had more than one girl in high school say “ew” directly to my face. My response was nothing because I was broken inside, I wasn’t unattractive I was just very very small until senior and teenagers are monsters. Jokes on them though cause I had a growth spirt and have abs now 🤷‍♂️

  5. “Lucky for me, I don’t have to fuck me.”

    Whatever unattractive quality you think you have, is someone else’s turn on. Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. Yes, there are traits that are generally agreed upon being attractive or unattractive, but there is always someone.

  6. “Yeah well compared to you I’m Brad Pitt from Fight Club” is what I would say to them… 3 days later… While I’m mid-shower.

  7. I’ve rejected models and been rejected by people I was only half into.

    Attraction is utterly subjective, some traits are considered attractive by more people, but at the end of the day everyone has a subjective measure for what they like.

    It can still be hurtful to get rejected because you don’t fall into another person’s ideas of what being attractive is, but it’s not worth being bothered by.

  8. A random person? I’d say “OK.”

    My wife/girlfriend? I’d break up because life’s too short to be with someone you find unattractive. I’d actually find her personality unattractive if she wanted to be with me despite finding me unattractive.

  9. If they have the nerve to say something like that, they wouldn’t hear anything from me. I am not the type to fight over opinions but if they keep on insisting that then I will tell them that it’s disrespectful.

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