
Pulling hair…what’s the deal?

I realize there’s only two sides to this question, but it’s either YES, do it! or, don’t you dare!

So, what’s the appeal? Or what’s the disdain for it? I’m not talking about playing with your hair or running our fingers through it…I’m talking about the straight up pulling back.

  1. As a guy, I think it’s not only down to personal preference, but also very situation/vibe dependent.

  2. No thanks. That just sounds painful to me. Not just the fact that hair could be pulled out, but that you could really hurt someone’s neck if you aren’t careful.

  3. Some people don’t like rough sex and any kind of pain during the act. Not hard to figure out.

  4. It’s a must. As a guy, it’s just another way for me to be that much more dominant in bed, something that we love in our own marriage. Always do it closer to the scalp and obviously be aware of how hard you’re doing it, but I think it’s so sexy, especially in front of the mirror.

  5. It’s the dominance/pain piece. Not everyone likes it. It’s the “you have control over me” that does it for me.

  6. I mean I think there’s a middle ground. My fiancé loves when I use her hair as a sort of handle when we’re in doggy but she wouldn’t be chill with me like yanking on it and shit

  7. No fucking way.

    Why are women always supposed to accept violence and pain as a given with sex?

  8. I love when my husband pulls my hair! It’s hot, and it’s a pain thing for me. Also a control thing. My hunny will pull my hair outside of the bedroom too, but we are in a 24/7 Dom/sub relationship, so it’s all consensual.

  9. I don’t get any pleasure inflicting pain on my wife. But she likes it (as long as it’s mild). So I take care when I spank, pinch, pull hair to see if she’s enjoying it. She’s never asked for slapping her face, thank goodness.

  10. Love it when my husband pulls my hair! Control, dominance, a bit of pain, and surprise. It’s hot!

  11. Depends on the day, most of the time I love it. It’s basically a form of dom/sub behavior, having my husband holding my hair, keeping my head in place while he pounds me from behind… sorry, but yeah, that’s a turn on most of the time, between feeling a little bit of pain and being dominated.

    Other times, my neck my hurt or I may have a bit of a headache and don’t want that. Or if we’re in another position.

    But it is all personal preference. There is no right or wrong way to enjoy sex. As long as it’s consensual for all parties.

  12. If I am in the mood to be dominated I love it….its about him taking control. Mood, context, and trust is everything.

  13. I think it’s easy to forget that pain/discomfort is not the same as suffering.

    I think a lot of people really enjoy doing uncomfortable, sometimes painful things. Sometimes moments of discomfort can heighten the sexual experience.

  14. I love it. But you put your hand by her scalp and pull by the roots, not by the ends. The pain is different and more enjoyable for me. Think it’s a dominant/primal thing. To each his/her own.

  15. I’m very tender headed and absoulety will not let anyone inflict even the smallest amount of pain on me in any way shape or form. My reaction will be utter violence, before I could even think about it.

  16. I think it’s weird that it seems a lot of people, I guess men and women both, think that for there to be dominance and control, some sort pain has to be involved.

  17. I’m attracted to dominance, and i have a strong personality so if someone can take control over me.. mega hot. So ya.. pull my hair

  18. Hair pulling? Eh, sometimes, it’s hard to get the right grip on her hair so lots of room for an error that can kill the mood altogether. I prefer other less error-prone ways to show control and dominance during sex. Of course, results may vary!

  19. For me, it depends on the person. Oddly, I cannot tolerate my husband pulling my hair but I actually loved it when certain other people did. They were mostly women that I felt the most comfortable with.

    Pulling the hair on the back of my neck/head is like flossing sore gums or massaging sore muscles, it’s heavenly.

    I don’t really know how to explain why I am picky with who can touch my hair… I just know that I have a sort of spiritual tie to it so…

  20. Grab a handful of it closer to the base of the hairline on the neck. And do it gently unless she asks to pull it harder. …

    In my option, it is better than pulling the end of a ponytail like you are in a bitch fight. You pretty much want to be firm enough to be able to maneuver her head to kiss her neck or whisper in her ear.

    It sends sensation down your whole body.

  21. The appeal is the show of dominance and/or mixing a little pain in to heighten pleasure. Some people are in to that. I am into it depending on my mood, but I’m also very tender headed, so hair pulling is 100% off the table for me, and my husband knows that and has never done it.

    I do enjoy some spanking, though 😈.

  22. There’s a specific way to pull in which makes it more enjoyable (in my opinion). Of course you have to be into hair pulling. But I find that if your partner grasps your hair closer to the scalp so that his hands are supporting your head (vs. grabbing hair further away from the scalp, and it feeling like someone’s just pulling your hair out) it is less painful, but more enjoyable. If you grasp hair closer to the scalp/right against it, you’re kind of supporting the head.

  23. I am a big fan of hair pulling in the heat of the moment. It feels good and is hot af to me. Everyone has different likes and dislikes… some people like having their nipples pinched, some people like having their butts smacked, some people like having their lips or ears nibbled…. whatever floats our collective boats!

  24. My husband once did it during intercouse – me on my belly and him laying on top of me. He pulled my ponytail (like gently, with fingers spreading into my hair) and said : come here.. And kissed my neck.. I almost fainted from pleasure

  25. No thanks. Mostly because my mother used to grab my hair as an abuse tactic so it triggers bad memories for me.

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