My twin brother just got married recently and my mom won’t stop saying how i can be “the cool aunt” and I’ll have to babysit. Talks about my brothers “future children” almost everytime I talk to her. It makes me feel so horrible because I feel it’s her way of reminding me that I’m single and my brother is doing so much better than me. I tell her how hurtful it is to discuss those things and she gets defensive and mad. I don’t even know what I want anymore in life, because after the past couple of years with a traumatic online dating experience to a horrible relationship that I spent all my time in college in, I feel just numb and so sad at what my life has become. I know with this mindset, it will definitely be impossible to find someone, but I can’t help but feeling like a failure. I know I don’t put myself out there much, but how can I when I feel like this? Can anyone please give me some hope?

  1. There’s no such thing as a life that’s better than yours!

    You are more loved, valued and appreciated beyond that which you could ever imagine.

    You are stronger than you realize. Look at your accomplishments!! College educated, no kids and no divorce! At 25, wow!! What a blessing to have that freedom to be able to choose your own way still!!

    I recommend Alan Watts and Neville Goddard. I really believe in you.

  2. Are you trying to get married to compete with your brother or are you trying to get married because thats something you genuinely want for yourself? It sounds like to me youre doing it out of sibling rivalry.

  3. That’s a mom thing, it’s what they do. A small, insignificant, off-hand comment. It hurts more because you think that because she is your mom it means something more than if it were from someone else. Sometimes yes, most times no. I bet she just is so excited for (specifically) herself to become a grandmother. That aside, I think you’re overly stressed about this. Marrying at and under 30 is still considered marrying young, you have time. It’s at 31 and above where people drop the ‘young’ part, then they just call it ‘marrying'(Still great if it’s with the right person.) I reccomend going out, since obviously that’s where other people are. Do things you like, because the point should be to have fun. Next, while having fun and enjoying yourself, talk to people. But that’s not really your problem, your problem is that you want a good relationship now or better yet one yesterday. So the most important thing is to relax and remember that so long as you are working at it, you will find someone.

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