What speaker gives great life advice to young men?

  1. That famous guy born in Austria.

    He sacraficed his own life to end WW2 and Nazi party.

    What a Chad.


    I would like Michael Caine as a speaker.

  2. I’ll go with Goggins…but, for me, I can’t go 100% his route, obviously, because not many can. But, his basic message is good.

  3. Looootta nutjobs and absolute shit bags being put out here. I’d vote for Lewis black or George Carlin. Their shit may be comedy, but it ain’t wrong either.

  4. Didn’t realize there were so many Lobsters and Tater Tots in this sub šŸ˜¬ I should have known better

  5. Old Jordan Peterson was solid. You can actually watch him be intellectually poisoned by his experiences, which is a learning opportunity in its own right.

  6. Advice is only good if you listen to it. Usually young men don’t, which is fine because life will teach you the hard way. It stays with you longer that way.

  7. He’s no longer with us but Vice Admiral James Stockdale. He was in The Hanoi Hilton and helped develop the tap code, organized a secret society in prison and went on to become Ross Perot’s running mate. He has a book of speeches and essays (Thoughts Of A Philosophical Fighter Pilot) that really got me through a tough time.

    I’d also say Admiral William McRaven.

    Not a fan of the Roganverse, but Jocko Willink’s idea of “extreme ownership” (i.e. share the credit, hog the blame) also helped me a lot.

    Sadly some of the best ones are dead, and the guys out there now are charlatans, grifters and shills for the right wing.


    Also, it’s unfortunately been co-opted by a bunch of misogynistic pricks, but Stoicism is a great school of philosophy for young men. The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, Letters From A Stoic by Seneca and Enchridion by Epictetus are great books of advice to live by. Just be careful when googling bc a lot of far right guys have tried to co-opt these, but they’re not political; they’re 2000 years old and all about how you carry yourself.

  8. There is a plethora of AA speaker meetings that are recorded, I suggest you go there for some real stories of people hitting rock bottom and climbing their way to the top.

    Alan Watts is one of my favorites to listen to.

  9. Heā€™s been demonized for his perceived political views but Jordan Petersonā€™s words have a foundation in personal responsibility so they actually do help long term.

  10. The guy that runs “art of manliness” seems like a guy that would probably have some good advice to young men.

  11. Id be careful with this, there are alot of toxic speakers with a target audience. You might want to try to listen to several speakers who disagree on different topics.

  12. Itā€™s hard to believe people mention Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate in the same breath. Tate has a few solid points, and is otherwise an attention whoring ā€œinfluencer.ā€ Incidentally heā€™s also a recessed-chin, neotenous looking pissant with extra moist spittle spraying lips.

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