I have two selfies. One is just my face, the other one is with a mask on. I think I look better when I wear a mask so I wanna go with that one but at the same time I’m worried if a girl would be disappontied when she meets me in person…

  1. How bout posting both of them? But if you wanna post the mask one too, you have to think if that mask really helps you look better. I recommend KF94 of Puremate cuz it’s shaped well. Just find it on amazon and give it a try:) Good luck

  2. “I think I look better when I wear a mask” sounds like a lack of confidence. That’s often listed as one of the biggest turn-offs for both men and women.

    There is a common thought that women care less about what their partners look like than men do and whilst there may be truth in that (I’m not convinced), it is irrelevant anyway. People are attracted to who they are attracted do. There isn’t a particular ‘look’ that is universally liked or hated.

    Basically, if YOU feel like you are unattractive, then don’t – yes, it is true that some people will have a more ‘mainstream’ appeal and so will find they have an easier time but honestly, just own your look. That confidence will do more for your chances than your face will.

    I’d also make a few more suggestions (take these with a grain of salt as I’ve only been back ‘on the market’ for a month or so and I’m not exactly a woman-magnet myself!):

    – Use more than 2 photos, I’d go for at least 4. You can’t really get a feel of what someone looks like from 2 photos.

    – If you can, try to use a photo that was taken by someone else, ideally in a social setting and even better if it’s something that shows off a bit of your personality.

    When I was in my 20’s and early 30’s I was obsessed with the fact that I’m short, a bit overweight and not Brad Pitt levels of attractive. I used to see myself as ugly. I’m in my 40’s now and honestly, I don’t care what I look like as I know that my appeal comes from my personality.

  3. Don’t post a picture in a mask on a dating app. People want to know what you look like.

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