What changed? And how is your attitude different to when you were a younger man?

  1. I had a paradigm shift in 2003. I never really gave a shit but after that my giving a shit plummeted.

  2. It may not have been purely age related. Think I began stopping when my kid was born.. 7yrs later I’m completely out of fucks to give and just focus on being a decent dad.
    Which I suppose has its own set of fucks that I do make sure are given but it’s not actually about me. 🤔

  3. Part of it was when I had kids. It wasn’t so much of not giving a fuck, as it was realizing how small certain things were, and weren’t worth worrying about. The balance of it came over time as more and more people have disappointed me.

  4. Late thirties. Had my kids, got divorced. Ended up out there dating and heard everybody else’s “rules” and “how things worked”. Realized nobody had a clue what was going on so I was free to just do whatever I wanted…what are they going to do ? Tell my parents on me?

  5. Mid 50s here. I still give a shit. I just give a shit about fewer things. Family and business are all that really matter to me. Arguing about politics or sports not so much. Although you might not believe me based on post history, but this place is really just for fun.

  6. 40s; terrible girlfriend and finally seeing family for the monsters they are.

    I cared more about things as a younger man; cared WAY too much about what others thought; and was desperate for affection.

    I give two shits now.

  7. As you get into your 40s one’s perspective about life and priorities change drastically. You’d begin to take life easy, and filter the noise in your life.

  8. Coming across that way? 14.

    Start to prioritize and not gaf about low priority things? Mid 30s.

    Truly not gaf about anything other than my family and what goes on inside the walls of my home? Late 40s.

  9. When I left my wife. After all the abuse I was just over caring what she, any other woman, or any other person wanted from me and I started caring about what I wanted only.

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