What’s better; pooping at work on company time, or pooping at home in the comfort of your own bathroom?

  1. Both have their own merits as you pointed out. Obviously if we’re just talking about the location then home wins hands down. But to he paid for it… theres something special about that

  2. Depends on how cushy the company toilet is.

    I worked at one place that bathroom was like the taj mahal

    Where I work now they frequently run hot water to flush the pipes and if you’re on the toilet when they do and the auto flush goes off your balls get a full schvitz

  3. At home. I work in construction. The portable outhouses are disgusting and sometimes really piled up with shit. If you dare to sit down, the smell will be trapped in your nose for the rest of the day until you go home and shower. If you’re shitting there you may even be treated to a splash. Your clothes will also reek of portapotty shit.

  4. Poop at home; go read for a full 15 mins at work then go “ahhhhhhhh” when you get back to your desk.

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