It’s always been my dream to have a group of friends I was really close to but being already 21 and almost out of school idk if I still have a chance.

1 comment
  1. The duration of a friendship doesn’t matter, as well as the age you meet. Sure you could meet someone when you’re both young, but who knows, maybe 10 years down the road you’ll drift apart. Some of my closest friends I made in my freshman year of college, and I was 21. You’ll go through many different stages of life and the people around you will come and go, and that’s okay.

    Easier said than done, but try to strike up conversations with strangers. Compliment them, make small talk, ask them if they want to hang out. It can be painfully awkward at the start, but just know that you don’t have to fill every awkward silence.

    If you get rejected, or if you don’t vibe with them as well as expected, don’t take it to heart. You’ll get better over time. I hope you find friends you can rely on!

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