If you were in charge of your country, what’s the first new law you’d make?

  1. I would make abortion a federally protected right, coupled with making it mandatory that states have accessible, low cost abortion clinics according to population, etc. and mandate some funding from the budget to supplement these clinics. I’m sure that would be fought against tooth and nail, but I would sure as shit try.

  2. Keep an acceptable rate of minimum wage, have paid maternity leave, have a higher budget for education and research, and lastly work towards creating environmental sustainable policies.

  3. That law makers must read the law and understand it in its entirety before dumping it into the laps of citizens.

  4. First year, I would create a tax heaven for billionaires.
    Once all billionaires moved their money to my country, freeze all accounts and triple tax rate. If they refused to pay taxes, seize all accounts. If billionaires or their attorneys step foot in my country, life time jail sentences.

    Every single legal notice from attorneys will be ignored.
    My country would make hundreds of billions of dollars in two years.

  5. Make changes to child support laws as well as deal with other issues relating to the friend of court /family/domestic issues.

    Raise the length and punishment of pedophiles.

    Reform the foster care system

    Possibly make all drugs legal

    Increase mental health support

  6. Restricted access to social media: age and time wise.

    Tween and teens mindless scrolling for hour day after day… this is not going to end well.

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