I’m a socially awkward and shy person- it’s pretty much who I am but it’s also due to bad experiences in the past that I’ve had with people. It’s difficult but I make sure I say goodbye to my coworkers after my shift ends, yet none of them say goodbye back. I am the quietest in the group and I’ve only been there for 1 and a half weeks, but they complain about a girl who grumbles non-stop at work and she started the job at the same time as me, yet all of them said goodbye to her at the end of the shift. I make sure to be loud enough while talking too- I don’t know why they don’t seem to respond to me. It knocks my confidence and social skills, especially when everyone says goodbye to everyone else- including the manager.. should I take it too personally? I’m know I’m going to stop saying goodbye, that’s for sure

  1. It’s pretty rude to deliberately ignore someone saying goodbye–as you say they even say it to the girl you know they don’t like. Chances are they genuinely didn’t notice you saying goodbye.

  2. Put it this way Don’t dwell on anything cause it will probably bite you in the ass like it did me you said what you said if you don’t feel like talking let it be that

    I’m sociable when need be I force myself to speak when it’s not necessary keep your cool head it’s on them not you

  3. I live in Japan, not gonna say what race I am, but when I first came to job.. there were about 4 women and 3 dudes. Out of all the people there only 2 somewhat liked me. All the other people I heard were extremely racist and hated my guts. It hurt ngl… but I learned to not gaf. You are at your job to make money. Otherwise you take your a$$ back home. If people don’t like you, don’t say anything. Keep quite. People can’t hate or mess with someone that doesn’t talk. Eventually someone will make a move. It sucks but sometimes that’s coming into a new work environment.

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