How did you get yourself out of a phase where you might’ve felt lost or stuck in life?

  1. You’re not lost. Perhaps a part of you is changing from the “routine” or what was once you as in your past self. But things have changed or are changing for you. You are right where you need to be in divine timing. Also everyone else is just winging it too no one knows exactly what they are doing there and for some they are on autopilot there is only so much that can be planned and have a sense of direction but life happens and things change. Is it teaching you patience? to slow down? to understand yourself more? to accept this phase as it is? enjoy the simple things in life? I don’t think it is about getting out of the phase but as much trying to understand why you feel that way about such a phase and that can give you more direction and understanding about your life. Also is it your own direction on your own terms? or where society tells you to go?

  2. At times human beings get stuck , because they have no purpose in life or will to live. Find your purpose. I can’t tell you what your purpose is, you need to figure out for your self.

    It could be as simple as volunteering your free time at a animal shelter or at a homeless-shelter. Read books to old people at a retirement home. Join a group that removes trash in a park. Advocate for minority groups. Teach kids how to swim at YMCA or teach kids how to plant trees.

    The list is infinite. You have knowledge and skills that many people don’t have, pass it down to other people.

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