So I’ve had a lot of stalker incidents with various women and just creepy women in general over the years… And because of this I’ve always refused to wear a name badge to work. And this was effective (customers could never use my name if they didn’t know my name).

A few months ago though our store went under new management. And management insisted I wear my name badge (but I kept refusing). Eventually they asked me why and I told the truth. So we reached a compromise of me wearing a fake name badge instead. I got to choose the name and I made sure it suited me despite being fake.

Recently, however, this young attractive woman randomly came up to me and as I went to serve her said *”We have the same birthday.”* My eyes popped out of my head. How does this woman know my birthday?… And why did she think it was acceptable to let me know that she knows?… So I was admittedly skeptical.

But then I just said… *”You’re a Scorpio too?…”* without confirming my actual birthday, and she just gave me this enthusiastic nod with a grin. Cool. Somehow this woman knows my birthday. That’s not creepy.

And now she’s begun coming in frequently and apparently knows my real name because she constantly keeps on using it (which defeats the purpose of the fake name badge).

Would anyone like to have a wild stab in the dark as to what’s happening?… Because I’ve tried placing myself in her shoes and can’t rationalize this behavior.

I had a co-worker today literally ask me if that girl who was acting familiar with me was my girlfriend. And I straight-up told them that I honestly have no idea who she is, what her name is, or how she knows mine.

  1. Tell her about your ”girlfriend/boyfriend”. Maybe she wont be as interested as she is now if you are ”taken”

    But big red flag. If she is using your real name correct her with your fake name. Maybe even tell her that she is mistaken you for some one else. Dont confirm anything personal information. If she says or asks something, even if its correct deny.

  2. You gotta take a step back and not assume that this girl is stalking you… regardless of your past history. People talk about you, that’s common at work. You can’t keep your real identity hidden if you work with a company.

    I worked in a busy medical office that had a list of everyone (who worked their) birthday’s on a sheet of paper, hung on the bulletin board. That way we knew AHEAD of time to throw a surprise party or perhaps tell the person “happy birthday” on the right day. I don’t know why you’re making this into a big deal…

  3. Is your real name Buddy, Pal, Guy, or Cutie? Why did you say your actual sign? Why didn’t you say “Oh your a Cancer too” and actually test her? Why don’t you talk to her and ask her how she knows you so well, instead of us who don’t know you at all and have no answers to any of the things you asked. Try to get her to take you to dinner, and don’t put out afterwards even if she buys you lobster, because you don’t have to.

  4. If she’s attractive and you’re a guy it’d be stupid not to capitalize on the opportunity. But in all fairness, she’s probably attracted to you and social media stalked you.

  5. My best guess is she probably saw you one day, developed a crush, and then stalked your social media or something. If she knows someone who you work with or overheard anyone say your real name, she could’ve easily typed it in along with your place of work on facebook or something and found you. OR, she could’ve also just looked up people who she knows you know, or your work location on fb til she found you…or looked at the staff page if your workplace has one of those on their website.

    And then she finally worked up the courage to talk to you, and I’m guessing she thought that opening line would make her seem interesting/mysterious/possibly psychic(?) lmao

  6. Just next time she comes and start acting so familiar just ask her, “Do we know each other??? If she says no, just tell her “you knowing stuff about me is weird/creepy Af” .
    Just let it out, and if you can record the conversation just in case she tries to affect your job.
    People saying “don’t worry” No woman can be as psychotic and dangerous as the next person.

    Keep your eyes Op 👀

  7. She’s a scorpio.. Also very scorpio behavior to make up this story and post it on reddit. Idk

  8. Say “where do I know you from”

    I assume she’s stalking your Facebook? Make sure you don’t have a public profile and never put your work on there

  9. Danm dude, I’d be creeper out too. Sounds pretty shady and inappropriate, maybe ask your boss or management if you could avoid serving her in the future? I don’t know if thats possible for you, but it generally seems like a good idea to avoid this person

  10. Something about your reporting or perception may be off, this doesn’t quite make sense. But like others have said, just ask her how she knows your name or birthday. Easy solution. Don’t try to guess, it will only lead you down a rabbit hole.

  11. I would think back in your life through your whole childhood and think of any fat or unpopular people who you might not think twice about and compare the woman to any of them. Barring that if you ever had a school picture in your life she may have identified you from there.

    I would go with the “by the way my name’s not Allan (real name) my name is Barry (fake name) could you please stop calling me that?” and “so your a Scorpio too how close to x (pick a day at the far end of the month or even a separate month from your birthday) are you really?”

    If she says “I know who you are whether you admit it or not” or words to that effect then tell her she needs to identify herself or leave you alone (preferably in front of a manager or supervisor).

  12. Some of these comments are so unsympathetic, this is such a scary situation. I wouldn’t know what to do in that moment either. Your boss has a responsibility to keep you safe so you should report this incident to them and if they don’t take it seriously then report your boss to higher management. Fuck politeness. Stay safe out there.

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