Answers can include accents from other English-speaking countries, like the UK, Ireland, Australia, etc.

  1. British is like my panties drop immediately 🤣 I mean but they already speak English lol 😆😂

  2. Irish as well as Glasgow is okay, most English accents sound like a dying cat is trying to fight a chimney. Other Scottish accents range from highland games to incomprehensible.

    Argentinian is up there along with Brazilian.

  3. Icelandic – like Bjork-style Icelandic accents. I used to know a guy from Iceland but he just sounded American when he spoke English so that wasn’t very exciting.

  4. This definitely seems more individual likes and dislikes. Not something an entire country can agree on.

    For me personally it’s more dependent on the person themselves. Although there are some accents I really don’t care for. I can’t say I prefer one over another.

  5. All the British accents. Followed by Australian, New Zealand. Ireland.

    Beyond that, French and Russian/Slavic.

    I do love a Spanish accent, though.

    Really Americans do love accents. It doesn’t really matter where they’re from. It’s a stereotype that’s very, very true.

  6. I like Australian, NZ, and some South African accents.

    Honorable mention to Geordie if it’s a female, I find it charming.

  7. Outside of other native English speakers, a lot of Americans will say it’s mostly Western European accents that they find attractive because that’s what American media says is attractive.

    There is a strong stigma against accents that are farther away from western-european cultures. This sub and mainstream America isn’t ready to have that conversation.

  8. It’s really more specific to that person’s own accent than the whole accent of where they’re from for me.

  9. Any kind of UK accent, literally any. My boyfriend is from Liverpool and while in the UK the “scouse” accent is sadly looked down upon, I joke that in the USA he could get away with crime just by opening his mouth.

  10. My siri is set to Australian. However, I just love hearing accents in general (even the US ones).

  11. Italian, but I’m biased. As someone who speaks both, but was primarily raised in the States, the way Italians speak English is simultaneously charming, endearing and hilarious. For the majority of Italians speaking English, it’s a struggle to not add a vowel sound to the end of words, haha. I just find the Italian accent to be very attractive from women.

  12. As far as the UK, I do love accents that are borderline unintelligible, like thick Scottish or Cockney.

    As far as accents in general, I’m a sucker for a Colombian accent. Accents from Mexico, on the other hand, I find to be really comforting. It is the accent I hear the most, so it feels familiar.

  13. I’m not sure if I find Colombian accents hot, or just think Colombian women are hot. Either way, that’s my answer.

  14. I love the accents of Scotland, Ireland, Wales. Most attractive would have to be Australia…… source Adam Demos💕

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