Why are there six NFL wildcard games this weekend when there were only four previously?

  1. The NFL added another team to the playoffs, meaning the 2nd seed that once got a bye now plays the 7th seed, 6th seed plays 3rd, and 5th plays 4th. That’s 3 games per conference, 2 conferences

  2. Playoff expansion. There used to be 6 teams in the playoffs where the top 2 seeds get bye weeks. Now with 7 teams in each conference there is only 1 team that gets a bye week

  3. They added an additional playoff team to each conference and reduced teams getting a bye to one in each conference.

  4. As other has said they added two additional teams to the playoffs. I can see them adding two more additional teams to the playoffs in the near future meaning a 16 team playoff. Especially if some expansion rumors hold up to be true in the future.

  5. Same reason why MLB expanded their playoffs, more playoff games = more money and also makes better TV to draw in new fans

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