What is something you’ve incorporated into your life in the last year that has improved its’ quality?

  1. My girlfriend 🙂

    Also relaxing a little about my GPA. It doesn’t matter as much as I used to give it credit for.

  2. A mostly regular bedtime

    Bras that *actually* fit properly

    Making sure I make the time to eat *something* rather than just completely forgetting or being too lazy

  3. a quick little workout in the morning. I only do 10-15 minutes a day before my coffee and while I still have to force myself sometimes, it really helped me with my selfesteem and mood swings

  4. Kinda unincorporated I guess but giving up caffeine and coffee. I absolutely love coffee, but never realized how much it was contributing to my stomach symptoms.

    Eliminating caffeine has also let me sleep better, feel generally less anxious, and wake up feeling ready for the day instead of dragging so much through the morning.

  5. The ability to walk away. From friendships, jobs, situations, family, etc. I’ve always stayed quiet and agreeable to keep the peace and avoid losing people I care about. That brought a lot of pain

  6. Virtual workouts + catchup sessions with my friends 2 weeknights per week.

  7. Audiobooks— I use Libby so they are free & it has given me back reading even though adhd keeps me from being able to sit and focus to read.

    Nice sheets & a down duvet— luxurious bedding is so wonderful & worth it.

    Bralettes — I am hard pressed to put on an underwire or buckles now post pandemic lol

  8. Therapy, journaling, and packing my lunch every day. I’m learning that the best form of self-care is being your own best mother.

  9. It’s hard, and when my alarm goes off I really hate myself. But workouts before working full time is such a good way to start the day, even if it doesnt feel like it then.

  10. Spending more money on my hobbies to make me happy. For example I used to go on a cheap gym to save money but it was just getting boring to me and now I spend $100 a month to go to a cycling gym but I love it. It definitely improves my mental health and makes me happier.

  11. A gorgeous silk and lace robe. Makes my mornings feel elegant and relaxed. My private luxury.

  12. Getting up right when my alarm goes off so I have time to cook breakfast and actually sit down to eat it, enjoy a cup of coffee, read the paper, and be able to relax before my work day starts. My job is super hectic and I work long days, so having that time in the morning really starts my day off on the right foot.

    To go along with that, going to bed at a decent time so I get at least 7 hours of sleep helps me get up on time.

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