I found this kind of amusing and thought I’d share it if anyone is interested. Five years ago back when I was still partners with my dad in construction, I had truck that was a old F-250 Ford gasser truck and it was beat up. I was making decent money for a 21 year old doing construction with him, and I was building up my credit and I was living in a cheap apartment saving as much is I could, so honestly I didn’t have a whole lot. Well I had known this girl since I was ten years old because I became friends with her brother. I never really noticed her even acting like I existed until I turned 20. She started liking all my posts on instagram and Facebook and viewing all my Snapchat stories. Then she would insist on coming with her brother when we’d hang out. I’m sorry if my story is all over the place, but I’m basically typing it as I remember all the details. This certain girl was also in the rodeo doing barrel racing and calf roping all that stuff. Eventually I asked her out, which she said yes. We dated for a year and I went to most all her rodeo events and it seemed like it was going well. She’d bring me lunch to the job site and we’d do all the things you do when dating. My future plans was also beginning to unfold because(I had told her what I was working towards) I had the money saved up to start them, but I hadn’t told her I had the money yet. Well at some point this rodeo dude had asked her out and she was dating him too. Well I started to suspect something was going on, and she didn’t tell me one weekend she had a rodeo. I found out through one of her friends when and where it was so I showed hoping I didn’t find out what I was thinking. Unfortunately when I went to her truck and trailer there they both stood holding hands talking to their friends. I didn’t even confront her then, I just left. Well someone told her I had showed and seen them together, and she probably tried to get back into contact with me, but I blocked her on everything and just moved on with my life. I did eventually hear she chose him over me because she thought I wouldn’t ever be anything other than a poor construction worker. So I cut all ties with her for about four years. During those four years I built up a large farm with plenty of land and got myself plenty of equipment to take care of it with. My dad and I also started a tractor mechanic business and I met my current gf all in those four years. Well last summer the horse girl followed me on instagram and wanted to be friends on Facebook. I’m still good friends with her brother because he’s the one that told me he thought she was cheating on me with the dude. So since she is my friends sister I accepted her friend request and she added me on snap again also. Another reason I accepted is because, honestly, I didn’t mind letting her see the life i built and the life she could have had. My current gf was totally fine with this and she thought it was a good idea to rub it in a little too lol. I noticed she’s supposedly happy with her now husband, but I didn’t pay much attention to her posts and haven’t liked any of them. Well it rocked on for awhile and I started noticing she was looking at my social media stories a lot. Then every once in a while I’ll get a notification on my phone and it says she’s liked a photo on either instagram or Facebook and you’ll go look and nothing there because she immediately unliked it. My gf and I laugh about it because she’s so worried about what I’m doing with my life. I do know that her husband wouldn’t have anything if his parents hadn’t of bought it for him. My parents weren’t like that if I wanted anything I worked for it myself lol. I guess moral of this story is find you a girl that will go through the tough times with you to get to the good times.

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