What are some things that are actually harder for men that are in good physical shape?

  1. Eating junkier food. I find the longer I’ve been on a “healthy diet” the more my stomach and system just can’t take the shock of grease and beer and sugar like it once could.

  2. Hearing that you look better thick and chubby. Also still difficult to find a hot woman who is not doing some onlyfans kind of stuff.

  3. Automatically being first in line for more work. “Hey man I’m moving out of my apartment and uhhh”
    “Don’t even need the gym go lift that and carry it over here”

  4. The more muscle I gain, the less flexible my arms are. Sometimes, right after a workout, scratching my neck can be difficult.

    When I was younger, finding pants that fit was a problem. My legs were thick and my waist was small. Nobody makes pants for those guys.

  5. In wrestling and bjj, it’s *a lot* easier to control someone from side control or mount. When I lost a lot of weight I was really surprised by how much harder to was to stop the other guy from bucking me off.

  6. Finding clothes that fit well is harder now. I find most clothes to be too loose for my wide shoulders and small midsection. I also find it harder for mind 30/32 pants.

  7. I notice everything I put into my body… too much salt, too little salt, too much sugar, too much fat… like I can feel all of it…

    Other thing is reach my back in the shower… or in general tbh lol

  8. The lighter I get the harder it is to drink alcohol. When I was fatter and carb filled I could drink beers for days straight, nowadays I have 3-4 vodka soda waters I want to die.

  9. **Im a borderline gym-bro with lean muscle and low body fat:**

    – healthy diet for a long time means I cannot stomach sweets and sugary stuff. Had to wash down some medicine lately at a friend’s house and all they had was soda, I almost threw up it was so sweet! Birthday cakes are probably my worst nemesis though, I must eat a slice to be polite, but they taste like body lotion with sugar to me.

    – low body fat: i get much colder in the winter than I did when I was a fat couch potato

    – temptation from women. Every once in a while I get..signals from women, and it takes 101% of my willpower to not flirt back. Being monogamous was much easier when I was an ugly fatass.

    – when I have the flu, or otherwise im unable to work out/lift/do sports, I get pissed and restless. Being physically inactive is torture!

    – ironically, its hard to find clothes that fit. When I was overweight, regular cut clothes in L or XL size fitted well. But now that Im lean/muscular, nothing fits. I have a slim waist with wide shoulders, so button up shirts don’t fit – they either stretch weirdly on the chest or hang like a skirt around my stomach. I have a flat stomach but bubbly but, so most pants bunch up in the crotch from the excess circumference. Its almost like most clothes were designed to fit on a human sized LEGO man, not someone shaped more like Spider-man. I basically gave up and wear slim fit sweat pants and t-shirts exclusively, because the stereotypical gymbro attire is the only thing that fits my body.

    – polarized reaction from other men. When I was fat, nobody took me seriously, but everyone was friendly (if condescending). Now that im fit and physically more imposing than most of men I interact with, I have to deal with more cocky behavior from insecure dudes. Inversely, lots of meek men and women act if I was in charge and expect me to lead. But Im a dumbass who just happens to have big pecs, Im incompetent to be in charge of anything or anybody!

    – occasional inappropriate comments from women, usually older women who should know better. If genders were reversed, some of the things they say would be HR shitstorms.

    – resisting the temptation to “fix” my bros. Lots of men in my life are out of shape, fat, weak, and un-masculine mess. I know for a fact that I CAN help them improve, but I also know that they will resent me for trying, and some of them just want to be left alone and live their life the way they do. Its hard to respect other people’s life choices in such situation, and I lost some friends over it

    – dealing with an un-fit partner. My previous relationship failed because my then SO let herself go catastrophically. My current relationship almost had the same problem, narrowly averted. When I was fat, I was moderately attracted to overweight, out of shape women. Now that Im fit, im only attracted to equally fit women. It was completely disheartening to pretend to be attracted to a SO that gained too much weight to be sexy, but still wanted sex. It felt like the most insidious lie, and also like raping myself somehow.

  10. Cutting fat or building muscle.

    Swimming. The difference between when you naturally float and when you don’t is huge.

    Bumping into things hurts more if you don’t have a cushion of fat.

  11. Floating in water.

    Fat is considerably more buoyant in water. People with more lean muscle can expend more energy trying to stay afloat for extended periods of time.

    Also, the fat insulates better, so you lose more body heat the leaner you are, comparatively speaking.

  12. Being taken seriously at an intellectual level off the bat.

    I’m a bodybuilder, and apparently give off the “bro douche” look but I’m 100% a tech nerd who works in IT and enjoys fantasy fiction

    It also means I tend to attracted women initially from the looks who I don’t get along with.

  13. The same as good looking women: knowing the true intentions of people. Women will lie telling you they want a relationship only to bang you as a badge of honor too.

  14. Sitting for a long period of time. – no padding

    Eating sweets. – one doughnut and i feel like absolute shit

    Staying warm. – down below 10% BF and i’m significantly colder.

  15. Ironically, when I’m working out regularly and in good shape, I’m somehow invisible to women. When I treat my body like crap – hardly eating and drinking a lot of booze, I actually get looks and smiles from women. So my choices seem to be get healthy and be alone, or poison myself and get laid.

  16. Almost every girl I’ve met/talked to/dated has informed me that they thought I was a fuck boy/chad type who thought they could get any girl they want. I hate that. I’m so chill, down to earth, and honestly struggle with self-image hahah.

  17. Masturbating. Women want men that are in good physical shape so they often have a hard time masturbating on account of all the sex they’re getting.

  18. Buying clothes. Literally everything I own that is meant to fit (aside from gym gear) has to be altered. I even buy “athletic/tailored fit” shirts etc that are meant to be cut more for people who workout but could still fit 3 of my stomachs into a shirt that fits my chest and shoulders if I just wore it off the rack.

    Btw this is why we wear tight T-shirts on our chest most of the time. We’re not trying to show off just anything that’s loose up there might as well be a blanket lower down.

  19. Being a virgin. It’s so difficult to ignore the extra attention I get from women ever since I’ve being healthy and jacked. I have to set some days for me myself and I. I don’t always feel like going out with chicks every day of the week it’s tiring

  20. Dating in places with women who generally are not in good shape.

    Women will constantly try to set you up with obese women and see nothing wrong at all with it. They’ll never do the same to their girlfriends who are in good shape, though.

  21. Being forever stuck between shirt sizes. Depending on the brand a medium can be pushing the limits a bit, but a size up is super baggy for me.

    Nut hugging pants. When you have a narrow waist, but big quads and glutes, the waist of the pants will fit perfectly but your legs push the fabric out enough that they just don’t look right, and you can’t sit down properly. You can either wear joggers most of the time, or go way up in waist size and sinch it down with your belt to make regular pants fit.

    Oh, and if you’re bulking your clothes stop fitting entirely after a while. But don’t go buy a whole new wardrobe, because once you cut down your regular clothes will fit again (albeit a bit more snug depending), and you’ll have a bunch of clothes that are too big for you now

  22. The more muscular you are, the dumber people assume you are. Idky, but I often run into people thinking that just because I’m in good shape or that I prioritize hitting the gym everyday, it means I’m just some meat head.

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