i find it hard to engage in conversations 90% of the time, many times it’s because i am not interested in most conversations but sometimes even when i am i struggle to stay engaged. i get bored quick when people talk for long and ironically i’m friends with and around quite talkative people.

i feel like my lack of interest coupled with my kinda “forced” engagement makes me seem disingenuous.

i lack personality i believe, any help on how to at-least seem like i care about what people say when they talk to me even if i don’t. i do the typical, repeat what they last said, ask questions about what they’ve said, add more/give my own opinion. but i feel like it seems “forced” and looks like it doesn’t come from a place of interest.

help would be appreciated.

1 comment
  1. The unfortunate truth is that we can’t be interested in everything, and that’s 100% fine. Don’t beat yourself up for not finding something interesting, because you don’t have control over that.

    One thing you should know though is that even if people are aware you aren’t interested, they still appreciate you for trying your best. They appreciate the effort you put into making them feel heard. You might think that you are coming off as fake, but the truth is far from that. You may not be interested in what they’re saying, but you’re interested in making sure they feel listened to, and that’s just as important.

    You aren’t disingenuous. I may not know you personally, but I am 100% sure of that.

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