What is your one cooking tip that you learned in your life?

  1. It’s actually not that hard to cook with actual ingredients instead of those prefab powdered sauce mixes.

  2. Add powdered spices in when you add the liquid ingredients (e.g. the tomatos in a Bolognese sauce). Previously I was adding powdered spices to the meat/veg before liquid went in, but the flavour is so much more powerful when you add it to the liquid.

  3. Don’t try to cook meat in a skillet on high heat. When I was younger, I thought high heat would cook it through, but it just causes smoke, burning, and dry meat.

  4. Adding cold liquid to a hot pan is a quick way to ruin it. Make sure your liquids either alittle warm or you let your pan cool before you add it in.

    Also, your spices expire. And keep your flour in the fridge.

  5. When your onions begin to catch and are caramelising unevenly, add a splash of water, not oil.

  6. Be sure you got nothing else to do (i.e. bathroom break) while frying or you might come back to a burnt food.

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