Hi guys I can’t take this any longer, I’ve tried everything but it doesn’t seem like anything is helping… The girls that I approach even as just friends are fine when I talk to them but whenthe next day comes they completely ignore me!

A lot of them will stare and if I look their direction they just immediately look away and because of this I become extremely awkward… This has happend to me in multiple places like work and my gym, I’m generally quiet but I can definitely hold a conversation, and I don’t ever do anything that is weird or outlandish.

The staring and looking away is seriously uncomfortable and it kind of makes me feel funny. I honestly don’t know what I’m doing wrong at this point. I’ve been avoiding people but it never stops… is this how it is for all quiet people?

  1. Look, when you catch a girl you know staring at you, just look at her, smile and wave. Say hi. Easy as that. It breaks down their barrier and tells them it’s okay to chat with you instead of hide and stare.

  2. Maybe you should do something weird or outlandish….

    I’m only half kidding. A lot of guys have tried so hard to be unobjectionable that they come across really bland and forgettable. You have to have some edge

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