Wrong Answers Only

  1. Try “calm down, you’re overreacting.” That one always works 😂.

    Seriously though, listen intently and then paraphrase what they’ve said back to them. Google “mirroring” for more info.

  2. Tell her it’s just in her head. And ask if she’s tried working out to get rid of that energy

  3. I find this works:

    *”Jeez, calm down, you’re just like your mother when you get on your period”.*


    On a totally different note, I’ve been to the hospital for head trauma multiple times. I can’t remember if these two things are related….

  4. My spouse tells me to calm my tits – we’re making fun of an awful dude we had to work with – complete chauvinist & prick.

    It makes me laugh when she says it to me.

    When she’s worked up about something, I usually look at her calmly and say, “Calmer than you are. Calmer than you are dude …” like Walter from the Big Lebowski. She laughs and then we work the problem and calm is restored.

  5. “You know what keeps going through my head? Where’s my sandwich?” – Iron Man 3

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