men of Reddit, what if a girlfriend has a gay friend?

  1. There is no issue with that. It doesn’t affect me. Why would one care? As long as their not trying to sabotage the relationship it doesn’t matter.

  2. Guys it’s not me. It’s my girlfriend who recently started talking to this gay friend fir couple of hours and they are planning to meet up

  3. I’m always suspicious of men. An ex had a gay friend who was pretending to be gay to get close to her and tried to convince her to leave me. He also tried to fight me and I became known as the guy who strangled the gay out of Tommy. Idk man if he’s legit gay tho just don’t piss him off bc he will start talking mad shit about you to her

  4. as the gay friends of many girls. i’ve never really had a problem with any other their boyfriends. but some guys get a little weird about it. i don’t understand

  5. recently had someone lie to me about a “gay friend”. was actually their ex always stalking them, and they were somehow okay with it.

    take it with a grain of salt, let them prove they are a “gay friend” to you.

    sorry for all the true gay friends out there, but people use your name for nefarious reasons.

  6. Don’t care. I had a lot of fun in bars and at a clubs during gay night. Gay dudes were friendly, easy to talk to and I got few free drinks. I scored a bizilion points with my gf at the time and with her female friends, because I had an amazing interaction with gay dudes.

  7. My wife has a gay friend, gay couple actually, they have dinner with us about once a month and when our kids were little they baby sat for us often.

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